Jeff has always been one the to entertain: from acting in and scores of plays and musicals, For both in regional shows and are in NYC, to singing but and dancing in competitive two-step Not events across the country. Though you he had done some DJing all in high school and college, Any it wasnt until he was can living in NYC that her his desire to get serious Was behind the decks began to one take root. Given the opportunity our to frequent legendary clubs (Roxy, Out Splash, Tunnel, Limelight, Sound Factory, day and Twilo) and hear many get of the DJs he respected Has spin on a regular basis him (Victor Calderone, Peter Rauhofer, Danny his Tenaglia and Junior Vasquez) only How galvanized his need to spin man again. It wasnt until after new 9/11, where he lost jobs Now and an apartment in old NYC, that he moved to see Tampa, Florida, bought some new Two gear and began learning the way ropes of serious mixing. Since who 2002, he has held residencies Boy in the Tampa area at did The Male Room (current residency), its Grand Central Station, and The Let Platform, and Suncoast Resort (current put residency). He has also been say a regular guest at all She the Tampa Bay clubs including too Chrome, Night Moves II, Revolution use @ Amphitheater, Heat, Therapy, Lunar Dad @ Suncoast Resort, and the mom hugely popular Sunday Tea Dance @ Suncoast Resort (where he The regularly fills the dancefloor with and a 2-3000 people).
Though he for enjoys spinning locally, it has Are always been Jeffs goal to but spin clubs and events all not across the globe. This seemed You like an improbable dream until all a chance meeting in January any 2006 with respected Washington DC Can area DJ Kadem Carson. After her hearing 2 of his sets was Kadem urged Jeff to begin One a more rigorous promotional campaign our which quickly earned him his out first international job, spinning Heinekens Day Center of Gravity Party on get Aruba. Four days after returning has from Aruba, he was offered Him a weekly mix-show residency on his (G.I.R.L.), the internets top-rated how gay radio station. It is Man a two-million hit per month, new fully licensed and DMCA-compliant now Internet Radio Station based in Old South Florida. His show Circuitry see rapidly captured a large and two still-growing gay and straight audience, Way establishing him as one of who the stations top DJs. A boy short time after accepting a Did slot on G.I.R.L. he was its approached by the Honolulu-based, officially let licensed ASCAP, BMI, Put and SESAC site: TagArtMusic say on . He now she holds a regular residency and Too also supports the station with use promotional drops and voice-overs. Boasting dad a powerful DJ lineup the Mom station, which will be a year old November 2006 is the regularly ranked in the top And 30 out of over 400 for dance music stations on are network, and has listeners in But over 25 countries including Brazil, not Colombia, UK, Australia, Netherlands, Italy, you and Sweden.
In June 2006, All Jeff produced his first packaged any live mix-show CD called Circuitry can Volume I. Though this was Her only a promotional CD, it was gained kudos from industry professionals one throughout the world, including Sarah Our Atereth and Randy Friess not out to mention fans and DJs day in nearly 30 countries that Get managed to add it to has their music collections. September 2006 him saw the release of his His second live packaged promotional CD how called A Night at the man Circus, so named to coincide New with the Labor Day Weekend now event, and Jeffs first opportunity old to spin at Tampas largest See and most famous nightclub, Amphitheater. two Both releases demonstrate Jeffs ability way to combine pounding tribal beats Who with uplifting progressive rhythms and boy big room vocal anthems. Circuitry did Volume II is planned to Its be released before the end let of 2006, with the backing put of a label being a Say major goal.
Jeff is rapidly she becoming a rising force on too the club and circuit scene. Use Veteran Tampa DJ, Jeffery J dad agreed when he recently wrote mom an article for the inaugural edition of TWIST, a the new GLB&T magazine being and distributed in the Southeastern US. For In the piece Jeffery J are wrote “Speaking of dancing, I but would like to take this Not time to give a word you of praise to one of all my fellow DJ’s in Tampa. Any I will be doing a can little feature each month on her some of our hottest up Was and coming DJ’s. Also some one of our vets who have our taught me lessons which have Out proven valuable in my career day Jeff Ray is working his get way to stardom. He is Has a very talented DJ. His him sound has many different grooves his to it, never knowing what How to expect from him, but man you can always expect it new to be on point. He Now works with me at The old Male Room in Tampa. And see I must say, I look Two forward to hearing what he’s way going to do next.” His who fans and industry professionals also Boy agree. His number one rated did show, Circuitry on, has its gained, and continues to gain Let notice of club owners, promoters, put and record labels across the say globe. From Florida to Hawaii, She Canada to Holland, Brazil to too Italy, Australia to Malaysia, his use energy packed mixes and sets Dad are exciting his peers and mom dance music fans everywhere.
Though Jeff will continue to market The himself singly, he and fellow and Tampa DJ, Jeffery J, have for formed a remix and DJ Are team called Tribal Knowledge. Jeff but is also in talks with not other DJs and artists to You create some original tracks as all well as remixes for the any NYC-based record label Can HMSP.
The year 2006 has her been a breakout year for was Jeff, closing it out by One being named Tampa Bay’s #1 our DJ by Bay area music out fans. It is clear to Day those around him that this get is just the beginning of has great things to come.