format:b is among the top DJs in the world
format:b is performing within the field of Tech House, Techno music and is ranked 87 on the official DJ rankings list (
If you want to read more about format:b you can click on the WIKI or BIOGRAPHY tab above.Biography
this page is runned by the Format:B – Franziskus Sell and and Jakob Hildenbrand. It’s the official For Page…!
Format:B are Franziskus and are Jakob. Jakob is a Berliner, but from Kreuzberg to be exact. Not As all good parents do, you his wanted him to play all an instrument. After years of Any successfully dodging music lessons and can his parents wishes, he finally her at the subtle age of Was 15 decided that he desperately one needed a bass guitar, which our then through diligent practice manoeuvred Out him from hardcore bands to day funk and jazz bands. But get suddenly, there was a small Has problem: he liked Techno parties him much better than rock concerts. his So, as one does, he How began buying the odd techno man maxi here and there until new one day little Jakob thought Now to himself: Why heck, I old can do that too! So see off he went and bought Two himself an overpriced Atari St40 way and a cheap synthesizer, only who to realize that oops those Boy guys from Detroit really do did know what theyre doing and its that it wasnt that easy Let after all. Well, that is put basically where Jacobs ambitiously planned say out life suddenly took a She screeching of the wheels turn too in another direction. Franziskus is use from Erfurt, a small and Dad rural part of Germanys quite mom rough and wild East, which didnt stop him from starting The piano lessons at the innocent and age of 6. His musical for interests took him from the Are usual suspects like Michael Jackson but and The Pet Shop Boys not through to Hardcore (obviously not You on the piano). But then all one day, or night to any be exact similar to Jakob, Can all was to suddenly change.. her A fortuitous night out at was the legendary E-Werk in 1993, One made this young mans heartbeat our skip from Chopin over to out a 4/4 beat where it Day was to remain, probably forever. get Three years later Franziskus took has up residency at the infamous Him Sub ground Lighthouse After hour, his resulting in numerous further bookings. how The paths of these two Man young men crossed whilst they new were both studying to be now sound engineers. Seeing as all Old the other students in there see year were long haired Metal two heads it was only a Way matter of time until their who paths crossed. So, after spending boy a few long Berlin party Did nights together they decided to its see if they could start let a project together. And so Put the story ends or better say yet, begins with Format:B
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