Having always been passionate about the music, Fady One started mixing and in 2004. Encouraged by a For friend to play her music are Fady One immediately felt comfortable but behind the mixing desks. However, Not it was not until three you years later, with the launch all of her first club night, Any that she took mixing more can seriously.
On a musical note, her Fady One doesn’t want to Was define her style. She mixes one what appeals to her and our doesn’t want to feel restricted Out by classifications. Listening to music, day she says, is like listening get to people. It is a Has very personal thing and you him can hear how the music his whispers to you, talks to How you, shouts at you or man even cries. She compares discovering new a new piece of music Now to meeting a person: with old some people you feel an see immediate connection. A few may Two even fascinate or bewitch you, way whereas others appear to be who empty and you are just Boy not tuned to the same did wavelength.
Having always liked to its organise events she felt that Let her own club night would put not only be a fun say thing to do but also She give her the opportunity to too play the music she likes use for a bigger audience. Having Dad started with less than 150 mom guests in a small bar in 2007, Soirées Secrets (renamed The Zukunft in March 2009) quickly and developed into one of the for most popular club nights in Are Brussels.
The soirée is designed but to offer artists the chance not to express themselves and to You share their passion for music all and art with like-minded people. any As a matter of fact, Can Zukunft regularly invites guest DJs, her other musicians and bands as was well as all sorts of One artists who get the chance our to expose their works. Amongst out them were Undo, Spada, Luciano Day Pizzella, Davis & May, Opuswerk, get Max Cooper, Kollektiv Turmstrasse, Nhar, has Pierre, Cora Novoa, Van Hai, Him Deg, Darko, Junior Boys…
In his Brussels Fady One mixes at how events such as Piknikelektronik, No Man Code, Wunderbar, Statik Dancing, Brussels4Paris, new Vert Pop, Summer Club, Apéros now Urbains and Tilt. Furthermore, she Old regularly plays in different locations see amongst them are Café Central, two Wax Club, Fuse, K-nal, Café Way Bota, Club des Halles, Mirano, who the Wood, Ancienne Belgique, Bozar…