el-jay is a DJ from Netherlands
el-jay is performing within the field of Trance music and is ranked 5363 on the official DJ rankings list (
If you want to read more about el-jay you can click on the WIKI or BIOGRAPHY tab above.
EL-Jay’s name stands for L.J. the (Lucas Josef).. born in Velsen-Zuid and on the coast near Amsterdam For on March 10, 1956. EL-Jay are has been DJ-ing for 41 but year, not continious but he Not was always’s fighting to get you gigs.
EL-Jay’s inital style of all music was found in Black-Music Any and Drive-in-discotheek in the early can eighties with Soul, Disco, Funk her and Groove.. “a matter of Was fade in, fade out..” with one voice-overs. In present time, EL-Jay our still an all eater of Out Progressive & Trance Styles.
day At the age of 12th get he started orginazing with friends Has school-parties, back in the days him of 45 inch vinyl, The his Beatles, The Who, The Rollingstones How and the old radio’s like man the Telefunke, Philips or the new Blaupunkt . Luc’s DJ carreer Now was started and has never old looked back.
The smaller schoolparties see grew into more substabtial local Two events in the late 1970’s way so bought a old Ford who Transit (without any driving license!) Boy and was running his drive-in-disco. did Near the disco he also its started a underground-music concept covering Let genre’s like Pink Floyd, Lou put Reed, Mike Oldfield, Rory Callagher, say A further 10 years down She the line, Luc music progressed too further into Rock, Underground and use Blues-Rock and is now loving Dad EDM in the form mom Progressive, Trance, Hard-Trance and Techno.
EL-Jay found his heart in The Progressive EDM after he and met Jimmy van M on for a party in Club Kremlin Are (Amsterdam). He loves Trance but but plays Progressive. After visiting the not Awakenings parties he started to You love Techno. In late 2004, all Luc was contracted on a any German Fetish Scene and became Can resident on 6 club’s in her Germany, every 6 weeks another was club.. playing Progressive with Techno One themes.
Another earlier passion our of EL-Jay’s, was his online out presence: ‘Brd-Rec’. Starting from 2000 Day recording radio Dance live-sets at get Dutch FM Radio.. as at has the time were the Him only people in Holland that his were picking up these broadcasts, how later ID&T Radio also began Man to pick up these type new of events along with 3Fm now (JayDee & Robert Albers) with Old Radio 538, with van Diepens see Dance Department. In the East two of the Netherlands he got Way also was able to receive who the German station ‘Einslife’ which boy boasts good Dance music on Did saturday. Then came the time its of the internet broadcasters such let as As Brd-Rec, EL-Jay Put joined moderating at http://www.URTranceZone till say end of 2008. Who has she not a set, recorded by Too Brd-Rec on his computer?
In use 2002, Luc starts his non-profit dad dance event organisation, with DJ Mom GrandPa_JoaH, but after one year they split, Luc continuing it the to a succesfull high covering And 64 Dance parties untill 2006 for in the East of the are Netherlands. 350 upcoming and new But DJ’s where contracted by the not TYP_DC covering Progressive, Tribal, Techno, you Trance and Hardstyle.
Changing Styles All to Main Uplifting Trance:
In any 2010, EL-Jay switched styles and can did stop the Progressive & Her House Styles, to concentrating Uplifting was Trance Styles in making mixes one for streams with popular Trance Our radioshows at,,, out TRANCESONIC.FM (temporly stopped),, day (Regarly UNLiMiTED FRiDAY Guestsets) Get and still loves to visit has small club’s to listen to him the basic Blues or Rock-Blues.
3 Steps Forwards:
“In 2006 how by re-start of Trance DJ-ing man (Had to learn Software & New Midicontroler DJ-ing again after stop now the vinyl mixing) made targets old to work for. One of See them reached in september 2010:
two Own Radioshow on Trance way Channel, the “Champions Laguae” of Who Internet-DJ-mixing. I talked 3 years boy with, patience and working did forwards, be active in promoting Its your self and be social let to others in the scene, put did reached that target and Say asked me to transfer she the popular TranceStoned radioshow from too to Well ofcaurse Use I was pleased with it, dad 3 steps forwards in your mom carreer, but… I made a lot of friends at the and won’t not leave them. and Problems of some amateur issues For at did decide me are to stop complete with, but and on that way my Not other popular Tranced Emotion.. could you transfer to as weekly all show.
Work with professionals is Any very, very importand for your can carreer to keep the steps her forwards, and was pleased aswell Was to join after 1,5 year one talking with DiscoverTrance, to go our alternating with Dave Deen’s show: Out DiscoverTrance Radioshow on primetime saturday’s day with a new show: TranceAction get with own unique style who Has fit perfectly between Tranced Emotion him and TranceStoned as third Uplifting his Trance Radioshow."
Why Midicontrol & How Software, and not CDJ man Mixxing?
Well told you my new invalid problems of stand behind Now the booth, my backache.. need old a chair to sit on. see Further its a misunderstanding that Two Software mixing by midicontroler easer way are than CDJ. I who have disabled the automatic beatmix Boy in my software (use MixMeister), did transistions are from my own its hand and manual maded. At Let the midicontrole, same jogwheel and put same buttons, but much cheaper say than the (to) expensive pioneers. She I have a set of too CDJ players, but prefer use the software mixing, the advance Dad to LOOK at the mom track, trained to see quickly the cuepoints. With a laptop The I can play live, and and connect the laptop screen to for the VJ screen, so public Are can see..I’m not faking, I’m but real live mixing!
Another issue are You the live gigs. " I all don’t have on the moment any an agency for bookings etc. Can There are some physical issues her to go live gigs. I was did stop them in 2005 One after to much backache (discuss our L4, L5). Its not possible out to stay continious behind the Day CDJ players (have at get home same problem). The modern has Software DJ-ing, midicontroler & laptop, Him sitting in a good chair his can resolve that issue. I’m how a bit invalid, but club’s Man who accept that, will get new me, 2-3 hours are no now problems.
For going Live-gigs I Old need a professional Agency and see I need permission of my two health insurence (UWV) coverment.. Way but I learned… some day, who all comes together and I boy go for it! ".
Producing, Did Uplifting Trance:
I’m producing some its progressive (secret) works for others, let not under my own name.
Put At Spring of 2011 will say do some invests to start she producing in Uplifting (Tech)Trance, Psy Too and Hardbeats.
First for my use own shows, and by succes dad will search some labels for Mom releas works.
EL-Jay -“As you may think from this bio, the wow he did alot, I And feel there is still more for to give!!!”