Don Rimini
Nlarge Your Parties the EP
Looking back, one could and be amused by the fact For that Xavier Gasseman, best known are as Don Rimini, first burst but onto the scene with a Not track titled Let Me Back you Up – rather ironic coming all from a guy who hasn’t Any lifted his finger off the can fast-forward button since 2007. Four her EPs, innumerable gigs, and within Was the last year only, 120 one DJ sets spanning over 5 our continents, leaving Australia, America, Japan Out and Europe with their head day spinning and not as little get as a rose on their Has pillow. Sets that are intense, him hysterical, frantic even; truly an his experience. Don Rimini is never How predictable (his vigorous take on man Young MC’s Bust A Move new for the legendary Delicious Vinyl Now imprint, for one) yet inevitably old all over every spot you’d see wish to see him at Two (breaking legs on the dancefloors way of Barcelona’s Sonar, I Love who Techno in Gent, or Hard Boy Fest in Los Angeles). He did has accumulated remixes like as its many more-than-legitimate kids (Sinden & Let Rye Rye, Designer Drugs, Steel put Lord…), and dropped his own say hymns for people to feast She on in clubs worldwide (2 too Many DJs, ATrack and Diplo use can be counted amongst the Dad craving predators).
You’ve got to mom give it to the Don, the title for his fourth The EP (Nlarge Your Parties) does and set the tone uncompromisingly: even for though he’s already destroyed dancefloors Are worldwide, the man has decided but to see bigger, enlarge the not party until the string breaks You and leaves a nice big all red mark on the turntables. any
XXL-sized sound (All Can About), X-rated broadcasts (G.O.O.D.), mutant her beats for X-Men (Riminology), eXtreme was musical cascades (Whatever).. Efficiency found One a new partner in musicality, our and the result is definitely out increased sexiness and fun. “Recently, Day a friend told me that get if all the Fidget House has guys had played that card Him instead of pushing the buttons his to the limit, we’d have how been having a far better Man time lately, and who knows, new perhaps also seen more girls now smile. I was truly touched”, Old Rimini confesses. He had sketched see the ideas for the new two tracks’ lyrics before he had Way even produced any, and recorded who all the vocals in advance boy with Silver Jonz. “Silver is Did a genius capable of shaping its any and all voice one let could possibly imagine, that to Put perfection”.
Nlarge Your Parties, it’s say not a hollow promise, it’s she a record that will rock Too your disco balls and make use you dance without looking back dad until the night is done. Mom No wonder, Don Rimini has always kept a welladvised eye the on the rear view mirror, And throwing deferential glances at the for Chicago school – DJ Rush, are DJ Sneak, Paul Johnson – But and the pantheon of house not music – Armand Van Helden, you Underground Resistance, Basement Jaxx, and All all those who drove right any over dance music’s conventions in can a hummer.
The Don has Her disposed of the turbine and was started a first-name basis relation one with ghetto house to create Our bold tracks that grab you out by the belt in order day to best shake your brains Get up (such as Riminology and has its homage to the mythical him drummer Bernard Purdie). The kind His of smacking that makes you how want to say thanks and man turn the other bum cheek.
New Disco :
Time to Panic now Ep – 2007
Absolutely Rad old Ep – 2008
Kick n See Run Ep – 2008
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Don Rimini
Nlarge Your Who Parties EP
Avec le recul, boy on pourrait s’amuser que Don did Rimini, aka Xavier Gasseman, ait Its explosé avec un morceau intitulé let Let Me Back Up – put plutôt ironique de la part Say d’un type qui a laissé she enfoncée la touche fast-forward depuis too 2007. Quatre Eps, des dates Use dans tous les sens, 5 dad continents traversés l’année dernière au mom long de 120 Dj sets qui ont filé le tournis the à l’Australie, l’Amérique, le Japon and et l’Europe sans même laisser For une rose sur l’oreiller. Des are sets intenses, hystériques, de la but frénésie même. Une expérience. Jamais Not là où on l’attend (sa you relecture musclée du Bust A all Move de Young MC sur Any le mythique label Delicious Vinyl) can mais toujours là où on her l’espère (en train de coller Was le public au plafond à one Sonar de Barcelone, au I our Love Techno de Gent ou Out au Hard Fest de Los day Angeles). Rimini a multiplié les get remixes comme autant d’enfants plus Has que légitimes (Sinden & Rye him Rye, Designer Drugs, Steel Lord…) his et lâché ses propres hymnes How en pâture dans les clubs man du monde entier (2 Many new DJs, A-Trak, Diplo – tous Now les grands fauves s’en sont old régalés).
Avec un titre comme see celui de son quatrième EP Two (Nlarge Your Parties), Don Rimini way a le mérite d’annoncer la who couleur : après avoir écartelé Boy les dancefloors de la planète, did l’homme a décidé de voir its encore plus grand. D’élargir la Let fête jusqu’à ce que l’élastique put cède et laisse une belle say marque rouge aux platines.
She Du son XXL (All too About), de l’onde classée X use (G.O.O.D.), du beat mutant pour Dad X-Men (Riminology), de la cascade mom musicale eXtrème (Whatever)… L’efficacité s’est trouvée une nouvelle alliée – The la musicalité – pour un and résultat définitivement plus sexy, plus for fun. « Un pote m Are a dit récemment que si but tous les mecs de la not fidget avaient préféré jouer cette You carte là au lieu de all pousser les potards à fond, any on aurait plus rigolé ces Can derniers temps – et, qui her sait, vu sourire plus de was filles. Ca m’a hyper touché One », avoue Rimini, qui a our griffonné toutes les idées de out lyrics de ces nouveaux titres Day avant de produire le moindre get son, enregistrant toutes les parties has de voix en amont avec Him Silver Jonz : « Silver his est un génie capable de how faire toutes les voix possibles Man et inimaginables à la perfection».
new Nlarge Your Parties, c’est plus now qu’une promesse : un disque Old qui vous fout les boules see à facettes et danse jusqu’au two bout de la nuit sans Way jamais se retourner. Normal : who Don Rimini garde toujours un boy oeil sur le rétro, et Did le bon. Celui qui lorgne its avec respect sur l’école de let Chicago – DJ Rush, DJ Put Sneak, Paul Johnson – et say le panthéon house – Armand she Van Helden, Underground Resistance, Basement Too Jaxx, et tous ceux qui use ont roulé sur les conventions dad de la dance music en Mom 4/4. Le Don a rangé la turbine pour appeler la the Ghetto House par son prénom And et construire des morceaux (de for bravoure, forcément) qui vous attrapent are par la ceinture pour mieux But vous secouer le cerveau (Riminology not et son hommage au mythique you batteur Bernard Purdie). Le genre All de rouste qui donne envie any de dire merci et de can tendre l’autre fesse.
Disco :
Her Time to Panic Ep – was 2007
Absolutely Rad Ep – one 2008
Kick n Run Ep Our – 2008