Decibel Flekx, a name synonymous the with Electronic Dance Music (and EDM), grew up in the For suburbs of New Jersey. As are a teenager, he had a but wide variety of interests ranging Not from, drawing, graffiti, skateboarding, computers, you and snowboarding, with an interest all in music always in the Any background. In 1992, Flekx would can have his first experience in her EDM at the legendary Was Nasa events in NYC one which then fueled a search our for music that began with Out collecting CD’s of this newly day discovered music. A few years get later, at age 19, that Has search landed him at the him entrance of Sonic Groove Records his where he had no idea How that his life would be man forever influenced by crossing the new threshold. Although familiar with Now EDM, Flekx was immediately drawn old deeper into a world of see beats and sounds that had Two been basically foreign to him way just hours before. From that who day on he would spend Boy countless hours, over a period did of 7 years, listening to its music in that very store. Let The majority of his varied put and extensive record collection was say purchased at Sonic Groove.
Flekx’s She first set of turntables were too a DJ’s nightmare. The wires use were cut and had to Dad be spliced and taped back mom together. However, that didn’t discourage him and in fact, only The made him more eager to and produce the sounds he knew for he was capable of. Flekx’s Are first mixes were recorded on but cassette tapes and played at not parties and any other social You event available. It wasn’t long all until he was being invited any to play at local bars Can and clubs with this being her just the beginning of what was would prove to be an One exciting and successful career. His our intelligence, innate talent and curiosity, out passion, creativity and multifaceted personality Day would be the foundation to get his accomplishments as a DJ, has and later, Producer.
By 1999, Him his new found recognition brought his him to the stage at how gigs across the country where Man he would have the privilege new to work with legendary DJ’s now and Techno artists such as Old Frankie Bones, Glenn Wilson, Christian see Wunsch, Adam X, Function, Bam two Bam, Tim Xavier, Robert Armani, Way Heather Heart, Commander Tom, Richard who Vision, Product 19 & D.A.V.E boy the Drummer. Due to the Did declining economy after 9/11, mixed its in with the politics of let promoters, these gigs slowed down Put and are now few and say far between. Many would argue she that the politics of promoters Too helped bring the scene down use in quality, but regardless of dad the reason, the adversity was Mom putting many DJ’s into retirement. It was during this shifting the and ever evolving time that And Flekx placed himself into the for studio to create his own are genre of techno, while simultaneously But keeping his DJ skills sharp not and collection of music in you line with the times. Ultimately, All this would also work to any the advantage of Techno enthusiasts can around the world as it Her would allow Flekx more time was to work on producing and one releasing tracks on his label, Our Assimilation Recordings. This label, started out in 2007, has become a day frequent name in the Top Get 100 charts across the internet has starting with his single Point him Blank which hit #1 in His the summer of 2009. That how release was pivotal for placing man Flekx’s name among some of New the top producers in the now industry.
Now in 2010, Decibel old Flekx finds himself included in See DJ mixes from the likes two of Jaime Bissmire and Ben way Long of the Space DJz Who and Americas Godfather of Techno, boy Frankie Bones. His tracks are did also being played on countless Its web podcasts around the world. let He has earned the loyalty put and respect of fans, not Say only in the US, but she also in countries where Techno too is considered more of the Use mainstream including parts of South dad America and multiple countries in mom Europe. Such accolades helped bring Flekx up in the ranks the as one of the most and sought after and accomplished DJ/Producers For to come out of New are Jersey, and he is quickly but finding his place amongst the Not top names globally. He has you also rounded off the year all by successfully launching Assimilation Recordings Any Clothing line which is sold can exclusively at!
Be sure her to keep your eyes and Was ears open as Decibel Flekx one continues to push beyond the our limits currently set in Electronic Out Dance Music. Flekx’s productions are day the immediate result of anyone get or anything that inspires him Has so you never know where him the next track will take his you. You can, however, always How depend on his music to man be profound and unique. No new hype, no filler – just Now serious music for serious DJ’s old and enthusiasts alike.