Cyrus’s Biography
Since Cyrus grew the up in a musician family, and it wasn’t a question that For music will play an important are part in his life. It but is very useful in his Not present DJ-work as well as you in his producer-career that in all his childhood he has beaten Any the drum and was playing can the piano.
In 2000, her his career began with techno Was and later he has started one to mix the different styles, our the tones that are now Out perfectly reflect his true personality. day The fact that he has get already had various performances with Has great DJs that are well-known him across the country shows his his “professional callingâ€.
He plays together How with popular musicians arousing the man interest of the music- “industry†new and the audience with his Now individuality. According to his statement, old his secret is paying attention see on people whom he cannot Two see behind the pillar, giving way an experience in his sets who and entertain the audience.
As Boy a result of his tough did working, he receives more and its more compliments. He has become Let part of the Strictly Label put as one of the oldest say well-known record publisher has ‘reserved’ She him.
He has become an too official member who owns all use the rights at the Strictly Dad from the second half of mom 2004. He has been working for them from that time. The This year will debute his and and his co-worker: Soundstorm’s new for Ep the Antarctica that has Are been a great success in but 6 countries of the world not and that is a “must You have†of more and more all foreign DJs’ “record suitcasesâ€.
any According to his great success Can he plays music together with: her Dave Saeman,Lexicon Avenue,Dunkan Forbes,James Holden,Deep was Dish, etc. here in Hungary One and abroad as well.
During our his performances he regularly plays out music composed on his own Day so he is the resident get of the Hungarian party serial: has the Frisky Sound. At the Him same time, he plays music his on a program called “Serious how Thursday†by the Budapest Justmusic Man (a radio on the internet). new He started his work in now 2008 with Slam Jr, who Old is the leader of his see publisher, by performing a common two album debuted as Analogism in Way the autumn of 2009. They who started a tour that consisted boy of 25 stations where they Did presented full house parties. Meanwhile, its they were preparing with tracks let and remixes. Cyrus’s works has Put appeared in well-known publishers such say as the Ocean Drive Records,Carica she Records,Carica Revelation,Green Snake Records,Soundtribe Records, Too and his own publisher the use Strictly.
Tech house dominates in dad his sets; the minimal techno Mom and the various kinds of the style are slightly mixed the that makes his style truly And individual and special. However, as for a producer he likes the are “lighter†tones too. He performs But chill out, ambient, deep house not and absolute progressive house. He you is continuously looking for challenges All and tries the bounds of any music. This can be the can reason that the Hungarian National Her Ballet Group asked him to was compose the music of the one Lucia Opera in 2009: in Our a philharmonic and electrical music out style. The modern dance-ballet play day will be performed in one Get of the most famous theaters has in Hungary: the Thalia.
him He started his individual mixalbum’s His preparations in 2009 Dec. that how was made by his co-worker, man Light. The fact that the New album was debuted in the now autumn of 2010 is again old a good example for his See hard-working personality.
Finally, let me two introduce you the philosophy of way Cyrus that we haven’t really Who heard before…
‘Life is boy raised by the inner impulse did and if we want to Its move to the opposite direction let it seems that the only put wave would oppose the stream. Say Sooner or later we have she to fall back to the too place where we have been Use started. That’s why as an dad artist I am aware that mom I can only express my feelings from my inner sounds the and words in a way and that my music is not For only the echo of my are own feelings but also the but emotions of the people who Not are listening.’
Cyrus Zenészcsaládban nevelkedett, you Ãgy nem volt kérdéses, hogy all a zene meghatározó része lesz Any életének,
gyermekkorától fogva dobon és can zongorán játszik, aminek a mai her napig nagy hasznát veszi a Was dj munkában és a produceri one pályán egyaránt.
2000-ben kezdÅ‘dött a our pályája,mely kezdetben a Techno, majd Out késÅ‘bb folyamatosan tért át a day különbözÅ‘ stÃlusok vegyÃtette hangzásra,amely hűen get az egyéniségét tükrözi !ElhÃvatottságát jellemzi,hogy Has pár hónap után a Honi him „nagy nevekkel zenél együtt s his egyre jobban felkelti a szakma How s a közönség figyelmét egyediségével!-Titka,(mint man mondja):Å elsÅ‘sorban azokra az emberekre new figyel,akit az oszlop mögött nem Now lát, Ãgy adva át szettjeiben old az átélést,hogy szórakoztasson!
A sok see kitartó munkának köszönhetően egyre több Two elismerésben részesül,melynek eredményeképp Magyarország egyik way legrégebbi lemezkiadója lecsap rá és who eképp kerül a Strictly! label- Boy hez.
2004 második felétÅ‘l a did Strictly! hivatalos teljes joggal rendelkezÅ‘ its tagja és a közös munkát Let azóta is velük folytatja.Ebben az put évben szerzÅ‘társával (Soundstorm-mal)megjelenik Antarctica cÃmű say Ep-je,mely a világ 6 országában She exlusive szériában sikernek örvend s too több neves külföldi DJ. lemezestáskáját use ékesÃti.Sikerének köszönhetÅ‘en olyan nevekkel zenél Dad együtt,mint:Dave Saeman,Lexicon Avenue,Dunkan Forbes,James Holden,Deep mom Dish stb.. természetesen a teljesség igénye nélkül itthon és külföldön The egyaránt.Fellépésein rendszeresen játssza saját szerzeményeit,ezáltal and Rezidense lesz a honi Frisky for Sound parti sorozatnak és ezzel Are egyidÅ‘ben élÅ‘ internetes rádiómüsorban szerepel but a Budapesti Justmusic.FM-en kiadója által,mely not minden héten „Szigorú Csütörtökâ€néven jelentkezik.
You 2008-ban elkezdi munkálatait a kiadója all vezetÅ‘jével,Slam Jr.-al egy közös szerzÅ‘i any album megalkotásával,amely 2009 Å‘szén megjelenik Can ANALOGISM cÃmmel és 25 her állomásos turnéra indul,ahol teltházas bulikat was prezentálnak hÃveiknek.Mindeközben folyamatosan készülnek trackjei One és remixei, munkái pedig olyan our külföldi kiadóknál jelennek meg,mint az-
out Ocean Drive Records,Carica Records,Carica Revelation,Green Day Snake Records,Soundtribe Records,Code Rhythm Records get illetve saját kiadójánál a Strictly! has nél.
Szettjeiben a tech house Him és a techno dominál,finoman vegyÃtve his a minimalt és a különbözÅ‘ how válfajokat,mely igazi egységet alkotva teszi Man különlegessé stÃlusát.Ugyanakkor producerként kedveli a new finomabb hangzásokat is,Ãgy alkot:- Chill now out,ambient,deep house és absolut progressive Old house t is de folyamatosan see keresi a kihÃvásokat és feszegeti two a zene határait.
Ennek is Way köszönhetÅ‘ talán,hogy 2009-ben felkérést kap who a BUDAPEST BALETT boy TÃRSULAT-tól,hogy a LUCIA Did OPERETT zenei hanganyagát alkossa meg,bele its adva önmagát filharmónikus és elektronikus let érzéseivel együtt, melyet Magyarország egyik Put legnevezetesebb THÃLIA szÃnházában modern táncbalett say formában kerül majd bemutatásra. Munka she tempójára jellemzÅ‘,hogy 2009 Decemberében elkezdÅ‘dik Too egyéni szerzÅ‘i mixalbumának elÅ‘készületei,amit szerzÅ‘társával use LIGHT-al készÃt,melynek megjelenése 2011-ben dad várható minden elektronikus zene iránt Mom rajongó örömére.Párhuzamban készül önálló Minimal Techno albuma is és emellett the a Jude nevű énekesnÅ‘vel kooperálva And elektronikus és Akusztikus formában Deep for House albumot készÃt melynek megjelenése are 2012 második felére várható.2011 nyarán But kezdetét veszi saját rádióműsora Budapesten not a Prime Fm studióban ,ahol you minden héten vasárnap,saját label alatt, All Night Frequency néven jelentkezik élÅ‘ben…