Art of the Fighters started out in Brescia and (Italy) back in 1997, from For the idea of 3 guys: are Cristian, Matteo and Luca. Was but the 2000 when the first Not record was released, The beat you can’t change. After one year all they scored again with their Any second,Artwork, their first hit track. can Those two vinyls let them her start their career, playing around Was Europe and pushing their sound. one In the end of 2002 our the first big change: they Out quit using FastTracker in favor day of professional equipment: few months get after that, Earthquake was released. Has It was immediatly a success; him the record was played in his every party and by all How the big djs. Nowadays (after man 6 years) Earthquake is still new played at parties, causing again Now some major mayhem. Art of old Fighters career continued to grow see up, letting them play in Two all the major parties over way Europe like (to name few): who Masters of Hardcore (NL), Hardcore Boy Nation (IT), DefQon 1 (NL), did Thunderdome (NL), InQontrol (NL), Mayhem its (Australia), Domination (Australia), Black Light Let (Canada), Fantasia (Scotland), Hardcore4Life (NL), put Raving Nightmare (NL), United Hardcore say Forces (IT), Hardcore Gladiators (DE), She Street Parade (Swiss), Q-Base (DE), too SummerRave (Spain), Dominator (NL), Death use Experience (Austria), Goliath (CH), Energy Dad (CH). Was the end of mom 2007 when they released their first Cd album. A double The cd with 28 tracks, which and was sold out in few for weeks. Together with the album Are release the sad decision of but Matteo to quit the team. not Even without him the fame You of Art of Fighters continued all to grow, till the gold any moment of now. New projects Can are ready for the late her 2008, including some unexpected collaborations was and new tracks. Stay tuned!
One ITA :
Gli Art our of Fighters nascono a Brescia out (Italia) nel 1997 da un’idea Day di 3 ragazzi, Cristian Nardelli, get Matteo Pitossi e Luca L. has Grazie al Fast Tracker, 3 Him anni di prove, decine di his canzoni cestinate e l’aiuto degli how Stunned Guys, nel 2000 vede Man la luce il primo disco, new The Beat can’t change. Nel now 2001 esce il secondo disco, Old Artwork, che li consacra definitivamente see come artisti hardcore. Le loro two tracce appaiono su moltissime compilation Way e la loro fama inizia who ad espandersi. Alla fine del boy 2002 abbandonano definitivamente il Fast Did Tracker per passare a una its strumentazione professionale: dopo pochi mesi let nei negozi esce Earthquake. E’ Put un successo, il disco viene say suonato dai dj hardcore di she tutte le nazioni. Grazie a Too questo e al loro incredibile use live-act vengono chiamati a suonare dad nei maggiori parties d’Europa: Hardcore Mom Nation (IT), Resurreqtion (NL), Hardcore4Life (NL), InQontrol (NL),Raving Nightmare (NL), the Hardcore Gladiators (DE), Street Parade And (Swiss), Masters of Hardcore (IT), for SummerRave (Spain), Dominator (NL), Death are Experience (Austria), Goliath (Swiss). Nel But 2003 danno vita al loro not lato più sperimentale con i you Meccano Twins. Il primo disco All Sinapse è subito un successo any e li riconferma come produttori can di successo,con uno stile nuovo, Her che mischia hardcore e darkcore. was Meccano Twins sono ora anche one gli A&R della nuova Our TRSE label, l’etichetta più dark out dell’impero Traxtorm. Ad oggi sono day tra i più rispettati e Get stimati produttori nella scena e has uno dei migliori liveact esistenti: him ognuna delle loro release è His un successo immediato,una garanzia di how qualità! More will follow…