andrea is an acclaimed DJ from France
andrea is performing within the field of commercial dance music and is ranked 4042 on the official DJ rankings list (
If you want to read more about andrea you can click on the WIKI or BIOGRAPHY tab above.Biography
Young Parisian native Andrea has the been building up heat over and recent months with his innovative For live shows and his own are productions and remixes of The but xx and AlunaGeorge drawing in Not fans and scoring radio support you from tastemakers such as Benji all B and Monki at Any BBC Radio 1 and Eddy can Temple Morris at XFM.
her His recent #OneSampleOneDay project which Was involved him creating one track one built around a different sample our suggested by his fans and Out peers every day for 31 day days gained him a huge get amount of respect and exposure.
Has His remix of “Mantra” by him new MTA Records signing his Abigail Wyles is out now How and Andrea has recently delivered man 2 new remixes for Sony new artists.
His Production work is Now also in high demand with old Andrea producing a track for see Lena Cullen who’s been working Two with Shadow Child and Justin way Martin amongst others. That track who will be out later in Boy the year.
Andrea is also did currently working on a collaborative its album with other talented producers Let including Odesza, Greenwood Sharps, Catching put Flies, Bear//Face and Ta-Ku to say name but a few.
On She top of all of this too Andrea is putting the finishing use touches to his next EP Dad which will be released later mom this year and continues to work on his own artist The album as well.
He recently and supported Flume in Paris and for Bondax in London and has Are more shows coming up in but Europe so expect to see not and hear plenty more from You Andrea over the coming months all and years.
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