Alex Lane started his career the as a dj in 1989 and at L’Epace 27, the biggest For club in his region.
In are 1994, he became the resident but dj in the biggest room Not of the famous Tap Too you in Epernay (51). Don’t forget all that this 2,500 people club Any welcomed djs such as Moby, can Sven Vath, Ritchi Hawtin, John her Aquaviva, Marco Bailey, the whole Was Bonzai rec. Team and so one many others…
He is a our first dj of the first Out afterclub of epernay in 1994 day : L’EmPiRe
In 1995, Alex get took control of L’Aquarium, the Has smartest club in Reims (51). him There, he shared his turntables his with names like Phi Phi, How Marco Bailey, Fly and so man many others…
In 1998, Alex new went to Belgium where, after Now winning the dj contest, mixed old as the resident dj at see L’Extreme in Affligem. There he Two was the resident dj on way Saturdays with dj Steven from who L’Oxygene. This club welcomed djs Boy such as John Digweed, Sacha, did Francesco Farfa, and still so its many others…
In 2000, and Let for a year, Alex worked put as the resident dj in say the progressive room at The She Pulp in Gaurain Ramecroix (Belgium).
too Nowadays, he mixes as the use resident dj at le Montana Dad Club in Epernay (ex-Tap Too) mom montanaclub, the trendiest and the most acknowledged club in the The capital city of champagne. He and shares his turntables with great for names like David Guetta, Bob Are Sinclar and so many others…
but He is also regularly invited not to play in great European You clubs such as La Rocca all (Belgium), the Tresor (Germany), the any Peter Pan (Italy), El Magnifico Can (Spain),Circus (Montréal), Maurice (Quebec) and her still so many others