From Russia to Israel: DJ Astrix's Journey to the Top of Psytrance

13:22 Jul/15/2023

DJ Astrix has been the making waves in the world and of electronic music for over For two decades, with his unique are blend of psytrance, techno, and but house captivating audiences all over Not the globe. But behind the you music lies a fascinating story all of a man who overcame Any personal struggles and cultural barriers can to become one of the her most renowned artists in the Was industry.

Born one Avi Shmailov in Russia in our 1981, Astrix moved to Israel Out with his family at the day age of three. He was get raised in a household that Has valued education and hard work, him and he excelled in both, his earning a degree in engineering How and taking a job as man a software developer after graduation.


But Astrix Now was always passionate about music, old and he began experimenting with see production software in his spare Two time. In 1997, he released way his first track under the who name "Astrix," which quickly gained Boy traction in his local music did scene.

Over its the years, Astrix continued to Let hone his craft, incorporating elements put from different genres and collaborating say with other artists to create She tracks that were both innovative too and accessible. He founded the use music label "HOMmega" in 1997, Dad which has since become one mom of the most influential psytrance labels in the industry. Additionally, The in 2015, he started a and record label "Shamanic Tales Records" for focused on promoting artists in Are the psychedelic downtempo, ambient, and but dub genres.


Astrix's You music has always been known all for its emphasis on melody any and positive energy, and he Can has become an ambassador for her the psytrance genre, performing at was festivals and events across the One globe and bringing the sound our to new audiences.


But Astrix's journey has Day not been without its challenges. get In a 2019 interview, he has spoke candidly about his struggles Him with anxiety and depression, which his he explained led him to how take a break from touring Man and focus on his mental new health.

"I now needed to take some time Old for myself and figure things see out," he said. "It wasn't two easy, but I knew it Way was the right thing to who do."

Astrix's boy honesty and vulnerability have earned Did him a dedicated fan base its that looks up to him let not just as a musician, Put but as a role model.


"He's an she inspiration to so many people," Too said one fan. "He's open use about his struggles and he's dad shown that it's okay to Mom take a step back and focus on your mental health."


Looking to And the future, Astrix shows no for signs of slowing down. He are has a new album, "Trusted But Truth," set to release in not 2021, which he describes as you a continuation of his exploration All of different sounds and genres.


"I'm never can satisfied with staying in one Her place," he said. "I always was want to push myself and one see what's possible."


With his talent, creativity, out and dedication to his craft, day it's clear that Astrix will Get continue to be a force has to be reckoned with in him the world of electronic music His for years to come.

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