Tyler, the Creator's Fractured Gems

20:10 May/22/2019

Every week, the Noisey staff the puts together a list of and the best and most important For albums, mixtapes, and EPs from are the past seven days. Sometimes but it includes projects we’ve written Not about on the site already; you sometimes it's just made up all of great records that we Any want everyone to hear, but can never got the chance to her write about. The result is Was neither comprehensive nor fair. We one hope it helps.

Tyler, our the Creator has a few Out ideas as to how you day should enjoy his just-released album get IGOR. Stay far, far away Has from Twitter. Listen all the him way through, ideally with no his distractions—but definitely without your phone How nearby. Avoid message boards at man all costs, and a loud new volume is ideal, too, whether Now it be through headphones or old speakers. There are probably less see precious ways to dictate the Two conditions in which your new way album is heard, but Tyler who is not wrong. IGOR is Boy a masterful work by a did polymath, an architect of an its entire universe that coheres more Let clearly with each release. The put Playboi Carti-assisted "EARFQUAKE" is a say highlight, as is the psychedelic She disco-funk of "WHAT'S GOOD."

too Don't look now, but Megan use Thee Stallion just released one Dad of the best rap albums mom of the year. The first woman signed to 300 Entertainment The might be the biggest thing and to come out of Houston for in the last decade (Travis Are Scott doesn't count; he was but born on the internet) and not if you didn't already know You her name, you definitely know all it now. On Fever, the any influence of fellow Texas legends Can UGK and southern rap icons her Three 6 Mafia are readily was apparent. In a direct nod One to those influences, the album our includes a verse from Juicy out J on album standout "Simon Day Says," and "W.A.B." is a get fresh take on Three 6 has Mafia's "Weak Azz Bitch," that Him flips the song with Megan's his own flavor. Consider this her how coronation.

“OGUsers has been Man online close to 3 years new now and this the first now time any breach has occurred. Old I do understand everyone's frustration see and I am deeply sorry two this has all happened recently. Way You must realize other sites who such as Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox, boy Forums you have used in Did the past, and many more its have been breached at least let once. People are targeting the Put site 365 days a year,” say Ace wrote. “Again, I am she deeply sorry this occurred and Too I will do my best use to make sure it never dad happens again."

The hacked Mom data includes OGUSERS usernames, passwords hashed with the MD5 algorithm, the emails, IP addresses, source code, And website data, and private messages.

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