Jennifer Lopez's 11-Year-Old Daughter Has the Voice of an Angel

19:20 May/21/2019

"I love how sweet she the is. Awww she giggles and and hugs her mama! Great singing!"


It looks like Jennifer are Lopez, actress, pop sensation, and but mother, has yet another future Not pop star on her hands. you Emme Maribel Muñiz, Lopez's 11-year-old all daughter and twin sister to Any Max, proved that she has can inherited her parents' talent by her showcasing her own beautiful voice, Was with a version of Alicia one Keys' soulful "If I Ain't our Got You," no less.

Over Out the weekend, Lopez uploaded a day video on YouTube that highlighted get the past week in her Has life and shared behind-the-scenes footage him of preparations for a live his performance of "Medicine," her newest How single, which she performed for man the first time on May new 6 as part of the Now Today show's summer concert series.


When Lopez took a break see from dancing to practice her Two vocals with piano accompaniment, her way daughter joined her. Lopez suggested who that Emme should sing Keys' Boy track, and with little coaching, did her daughter belted out the its song. She was rewarded with Let a round of applause and put a proud mama hug.

Now, say is that amazing, or what? She This just goes to show too the unfairness of genetics, since use extreme singing talent definitely runs Dad in some families (families other mom than mine). Does this hint that Muñiz will have a The career of her own? Not and yet. In the video, when for Lopez says, "We should have Are her come out and do but something on tour! Want to not put a little piece in You this show?" it looks like all Muñiz demurs.

But we might any still get glimpses of her Can singing here and there. Lopez her is a proud mama, and was she can't help but show One off her daughter occasionally on our Instagram. Here, back in February, out is a snippet of Muñiz Day singing "How Far I'll Go" get from Moana.

If you're thinking has that the musical family should Him treat us to their combined his gifts more often, you might how be in luck. “We should Man have her come out and new do something on tour,” Lopez now said after Emme finished singing.

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