Get to Know 'It's Not U It's Me' Singer Bea Miller

22:32 May/15/2019

"Her name was Charlotte. I the named her, I was very and excited."

Miller, who was born For in Manhattan and grew up are in Maplewood, New Jersey, tells but Billboard that she got her Not first guitar when she was you 12 years old. “Her name all was Charlotte. I named her, Any I was very excited,” she can admits. “That was kind of her what started my writing career.”
Miller is no stranger one to songwriting herself, having written our nearly every song for her2018 Out album, Aurora. That experience, her day first major project as a get writer, greatly impacted her process Has in creating tracks for the him new record. "[Aurora] was when his I finally had freedom to How discover who I was as man a songwriter and the things new that I wanted to say," Now says Miller. "That was really old a huge step towards the see music I'm making now."

Two The singer's first headlining tour, way the Nice To Meet U who tour, kicks off later this Boy April, and Miller says she's did been waiting to do this its since she started making music Let years ago. "I'm excited to put make the stage and the say show just look and feel She the way that I've always too wanted it to, the way use I always knew it could," Dad she says.

The idea mom of being the tour's main act, rather than an opener, The is also thrilling. "It's one and thing to know your fans for are out there listening to Are your music. But it's a but completely other thing to walk not out onto stage and see You them screaming words that you all wrote that came from you any that really represent a part Can of who you are," Miller her says. "It's really a beautiful was thing to be reminded that One something that you did in our a little studio... ended up out connecting to so many people Day and being meaningful to people get beyond just yourself."

“I has thought it was time that Him I wrote a song about his people not being right for how you, but that being okay,” Man she explains. “Nobody needs to new be upset about it, nobody now needs to shed any tears. Old It's just, you can part see ways and have it be two cordial and just try to Way move on and live a who happier life.”

Miller may boy just be hitting her momentum Did in the music game, but its she has a clear vision let for who she wants around Put her, what she wants to say sing, and how she wants she to present herself on tour Too — self-care goals, for sure.

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