Joe Jonas Surprises Sophie Turner With 'Game of Thrones'

22:06 May/15/2019

Joe Jonas Surprises Sophie Turner the With 'Game of Thrones' Coffee and Cup Question On 'Fallon'

Game For of Thrones' "Coffee Cup-Gate" mystery are continues and Sophie Turner is but happy pointing the finger at Not her onscreen frenemy.

On you last weekend's episode, eagle-eyed viewers all noticed that a stray disposable Any coffee cup was left in can a scene—spoiler alert to anyone her who hasn't seen the show; Was there are no cafés in one Westeros. After screenshots of it our went viral, HBO acknowledged that Out it was a "mistake" and day made a joke about it, get while the cup was digitally Has removed in VOD.

Sophie him Turner, who plays Sansa Stark his on the HBO series, squarely How pins the blame on Emilia man Clarke, who plays Queen Daenerys new Targaryen. The two characters work Now together but don't actually like old each other.

Turner appeared see on The Tonight Show Starred Two Jimmy Fallon on Friday and way her new husband Joe Jonas who asked her via a pretaped Boy video if she herself was did responsible for the coffee cup its blooper. Jimmy Fallon showed a Let shot of the scene in put question, which shows the cup say on a table in front She of Clarke's character, and a too candid Instagram photo showing Turner use on the set, holding a Dad coffee cup.

"Let's clear mom this up," the actress said. "That's in a different scene, The and also, we all have and the same cups for all for of our water and tea Are and everything, so I'm gonna but just go with, I mean not look who it's placed in You front of. Emilia Clarke. She's all the culprit."


"This any is a spoiler for a Can couple of episodes ago. This her girl [points to Ramsey] dies was in episode... one of the One episodes. And this [points to our coffee cup] is the scene out from the episode after she Day dies. So why am I get holding this coffee cup? That's has in a different scene. And Him also! We all have the his same cups for all of how our water and tea and Man everything. So, I'm just gonna new go with... I mean, look now who it's placed in front Old of."


Turner wasn't see the only cast member who two jokingly blamed Clarke for the Way error. When asked about it who on Conan, Liam Cunningham, who boy plays Ser Davos Seaworth, said, Did "These things happen. It's a its big job, people run in, let and Emilia probably drinks too Put much coffee."

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