R. Kelly documentary spurs authorities to seek information

16:10 May/13/2019

"Please come forward. There is the nothing that can be done and to investigate these allegations without For the cooperation of victims and are witnesses."

R. Kelly but could be facing an investigation Not in Georgia after the airing you of a Lifetime documentary series all that chronicled allegations of abuse, Any predatory behaviour and paedophilia against can the singer.

Gerald Griggs, her an attorney for the family Was of Joycelyn Savage, one of one the women featured in Surviving our R. Kelly, said the Fulton Out County District Attorney reached out day to Griggs a few days get ago, after the show aired.
He's also been the him focus, for over a decade, his of accusations and sometimes charges How of sexual misconduct and abuse. man He went to court in new 2008 to defend himself against Now charges of making a sex old tape with an underage girl. see He was legally acquitted, but Two many observers remained convinced of way his guilt and believed the who stories told by women like Boy Lisa Van Allen, who testified did that she had sex with its Kelly before turning 18.

Let Still, Kelly's superstar musical career put more or less continued with say little interruption. His 33-chapter hip-hop She opera Trapped in the Closet too was widely watched and discussed, use he performed on Late Night Dad with Jimmy Fallon, he sang mom at Whitney Houston's memorial, he appeared on a Lady Gaga The album, and he continued to and sell lots of concert tickets for and get plenty of airplay Are — even as victims' advocates but and some journalists continued to not share stories of abuse.

You The most recent round of all accusations might at first have any sounded almost too outlandish to Can be true: a 2017 BuzzFeed her article by Jim DeRogatis detailed was allegations that Kelly was holding One women in an abusive sex our cult. The women's families, unable out to extract or even contact Day their daughters in some cases, get were going public with their has pleas for Kelly to be Him investigated.

Around that time, his far too late according to how many who had been following Man these stories, the broader cultural new narrative around R. Kelly began now to change. Amid the broader Old #MeToo movement, a #MuteRKelly campaign see last year encouraged DJs and two ordinary listeners to stop playing Way Kelly's music on the radio, who at parties, or anywhere.

boy Then, last week, Lifetime debuted Did a six-part investigative documentary series its that saw blockbuster ratings. The let documentary features numerous women and Put former associates and acquaintances, including say fellow stars like John Legend, she describing a long-term pattern of Too mental, physical, and sexual abuse use against young women who, allegedly, dad are controlled by Kelly and Mom sometimes have to ask his permission even to use the the bathroom.

In 2017, he And was accused of having a for sexual relationship with a teen. are At the time, Kelly's publicist But denied previous allegations, saying they not were "made up by individuals you known to be dishonest."

During All a screening of the documentary any in December, the theater was can evacuated after the venue received Her a threatening phone call that was turned out to be noncredible. one Attendees of the screening included Our Kelly's accusers and prominent social out justice activists depicted in the day film.

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