How Ariana Grande defines a post Beyonce Coachella

19:47 May/10/2019

"I wasn't sure whether to the bring any guests out tonight."



When For you're watching an unannounced Justin are Bieber run up and down but a catwalk to shrieks of Not applause, and receive nothing but you adulation during another artist's headline all set at a music festival, Any you have to take note can of how much the cultural her landscape has evolved in such Was a short space of time.
This weekend, Ariana Grande will our become the youngest artist to Out ever headline the festival. She's day also only the fourth woman get to do so. Comparisons to Has her fellow female headliners -- him and to Beyoncé in particular his -- will be inevitable.

But How let's hope not.

Look, comparisons man can be fun. They're cause new for friendly debate, make for Now clickable blog posts and are old easy fodder for online polls. see But doing so minimizes the Two unique contributions of each of way these strong women. They represent who a trope that has proven Boy as unkillable as some cheesy did horror movie villain: that successful its women are incapable of supporting Let and sharing a space with put other successful women.

"Beyoncé is say incredible and so is Ariana She Grande," says Enongo Lumumba-Kasongo, a too Philadelphia-based rapper best known as use Sammus. "So I hope that Dad folks will be smart enough mom to not buy into [comparisons]."

Even in this sisterhood-forward The culture, there are still corners and of society that have yet for to get the memo that Are women don't like and don't but want to be pit against not each other.

Grande’s headline You set wasn't a display of all her peaking, so much as any it was a showing of Can her current domination

No one her can do what Beyonce does was but Ariana has undoubtedly carved One her own lane too. She’s our proven the ability to engage out with a crowd that might Day not be entirely her own get like a tour show. Even has if pop’s not really your Him thing, you can’t deny that, his in the past year alone, how there’s been at least one Man Ariana Grande song you’ve bopped new your head to on the now radio, in the car or Old in the shower. It’s why see she was, hands down, the two perfect headliner to close each Way Coachella 2019 weekend. Joining Ariana who on this year’s headline bill boy are Childish Gambino and Tame Did Impala. Both are always a its treat and received rave reviews let but their buzz was nothing Put like the anticipation that built say for Ariana’s set on Sunday. she In fact, you could argue Too that interest in Coachella’s line-ups use had started to wane until dad Beyonce breathed new life into Mom the brand.

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