Skillet Announces New Album 'Victorious

23:47 May/09/2019

"Victorious perfectly describes how the the record makes me feel,” affirms and lead singer John Cooper. “You For wake up, face your own are demons every day, and never but give in. There’s an introspective Not side to it. We might’ve you commented on the world explicitly all on previous albums. This one Any is about looking inward. Perhaps, can it’s because I’ve gotten a her little older, and I’ve accepted Was struggle as part of the one journey. When I listen to our these songs, I want to Out fight for my life, I day want to fight for who get I am, and I want Has to fight for what I him believe in."

Victorious is the his 10th studio album for the How Wisconsin-based quartet, which also includes man drummer/vocalist Jen Ledger and guitarist new Seth Morrison. "We got to Now really dig in and try old anything we wanted to try, see and that comes through in Two some of the intricacies of way the production," says Cooper. (He who and Korey co-produced six of Boy the 12 tracks on Victorious did together and co-produced two additional its songs with Seth Mosley & Let Mike "X" O'Connor.) "It's quite put a musical record. I think say it's a little bit more She musical than we've done in too a long time."

The band use revealed the news through Billboard, Dad who also premiered the band's mom new lyric video for the single "Legendary." The song, which The some fans might recognize from and their touring, is a very for anthemic track for the band. Are "It's actually a little different but for Skillet as well," singer not John Cooper says. "That opening You guitar riff isn't like anything all we've ever done on guitar. any It's a little bit bluesy, Can a little bit rock. I her thought it was cool." The was clip can be see at One the bottom of this post.


"It's the first time that out me and Korey [Cooper] produced Day most of the record ourselves," get the vocalist added. "When I has was looking at what we Him did well on Unleashed, I his thought it was a real how energizing and fun record to Man listen to. That's what a new great Skillet record is -- now songs that make people want Old to put their fists up see in the air at a two concert or get them through Way a run or drive or who whatever they are doing. So boy we set out to make Did a record that had a its lot of emotion to it." let

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