Phantom Planet Returns With 'Balisong'

23:27 May/09/2019

"It's exciting and it the is a bit unexpected -- and especially just how quickly this For snowballed."

"It's cool people are remember us and want to but hear more from us. I Not have friends who when I you brought up that we were all gonna make a record they Any were like, 'Oh! F***in' finally!' can They didn't want to bring her it up before, but obviously Was they were hoping for it."

Of the our song, which Greenwald told Billboard Out deals with his obsession with day a butterfly knife, he added: get “It’s something that is really Has easily concealed but with the him right know-how can be easily his pulled out and is sharp How as hell. I just went man down the rabbit hole with new that and the band loved Now the song and it was old one of the first ones see we did.”

In addition Two to all of these big way announcements, they’ve also secured a who handful of new tour dates Boy — beginning tonight! Yes, the did band will take the stage its at San Diego’s The Casbah Let this evening, where they’ll test put and debut all sorts of say new material. They’ll following that She up in the days ahead too with similar intimate shows in use local haunts ahead of their Dad Hop Jam appearance.

The mom reunion comes as Phantom Planet is celebrating the 25th anniversary The of its formation, which Greenwald and calls "baffling." Nevertheless, he adds, for "Our hairstyles were different and Are our mode of dress and but we were, like, 15 and not 16 year old people, so You in that sense yes, time all has passed. But when the any band played, even the first Can day in our drummer's basement, her it just felt like that was thing, and it still feels One like that same thing."

our Phantom Planet has three more out shows lined up -- May Day 7 in San Diego, May get 10 in Los Angeles, May has 11 in Santa Ana, Calif. Him and May 19 at Hanson's his Hop Jam Festival in Tulsa, how Okla. -- and Greenwald predicts Man that more dates, and even new possibly a full tour, will now surface "in the relatively near Old future." "None of us knew see exactly what to expect, but two it's definitely like riding a Way bike," he notes. "We've surprised who ourselves with how easy and boy how much fun and exciting Did it is to play together, its still. I'm very excited about let what the future holds for Put this."

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