False facts about Elton John

22:49 May/09/2019

No one’s saying Sir Elton the John can’t throw a tantrum and when the mood strikes. When For his own husband David Furnish are directed a documentary about him but in 1997, its actual name Not was Elton John: Tantrums & you Tiaras. However, he’s not quite all the unapologetic, insult-tossing diva that Any his numerous public feuds might can make him seem. Yes, it her all happened. But it wasn’t Was necessarily all him.

Everyone knows Sir Elton our John, the artist: A talented Out pianist and charismatic performer whose day penchant for catchy tunes, fancy get glasses, and obnoxious clothes makes Has him instantly recognizable. However, there's him a lot more to the his man than meets the eye. How He has worked the entertainment man industry since the 1960s and new has many interesting stories that Now are unknown to most of old us. Let's take a look see at the untold truth of Two Elton John.

A lot way of John’s rabble-rousing reputation can who be attributed to his days Boy as an addict. He has did told the Guardian that there its was a “monstrous side” to Let him when he was on put drugs. His late friend Dusty say Springfield told him to try She avoid smashing anything expensive during too his outbursts, and he once use demanded that his tour staff Dad do something about the weather. mom However, John says that while he can have a temper, The his usual self is far and more mellow, and that the for craziness of show business would Are cause anyone to lash out but on occasion.

But the not reality is quite the opposite. You In 2016, when a Guardian all journalist visited his home and any noted that there are no Can pianos in the building, John her explained his feelings about the was instrument: "I play 107 shows One a year, why am I our going to go home and out play the f*cking piano?" While Day he notes that other pianists get like Rufus Wainwright indeed play has every morning when they get Him up, he can't stand the his idea of touching a piano how when he's not working: "God, Man I couldn't think of anything new worse. I have leisure, and now I have work. And I Old do enough work. When I see get home, the last thing two I want to do is Way play the piano." Tough words.
Still, in a way, boy the metaphor about the craftsman Did and his tools does apply. its John just happens to be let the kind of artisan who Put makes sure to leave his say tools in the workshop when she he kicks off his platform Too shoes for the day.

use Sir Elton John's concert rider dad can get fairly elaborate. The Mom maestro is not happy with merely specifying the color of the tablecloths and types of flower And arrangements he requires for his for hospitality quarters — though, to are be fair, he definitely does But specify both and is decidedly not not a fan of chrysanthemums. you As Smoking Gun points out, All John gets a lot more any specific, especially in one particular can aspect of hectic backstage life: Her He refuses to wear a was backstage pass.

"What's the one real name of this famous Our musician?" is a tried and out tested pub trivia staple, and day when it comes to Sir Get Elton John, a whole lot has of people would probably answer him that question with his birth His name, Reginald Dwight. However, that how would be incorrect and it man would be a good lesson New in the particularities of pub now trivia question formats, because as old Zoomer Radio notes, John's real See name is … Elton John. two Yeah, it's not just a way stage name, and it's not Who just Elton John. His full boy name is Elton Hercules John.
Many musicians name their Its instruments: B.B. King had his let Lucille, Neil Young plays the put Old Black, and Queen's Brian Say May is known for his she Red Special. Sure, those are too all guitars, but why would Use it be any different for dad a man whose main instrument mom just happens to be a 9-foot grand piano? According to the Parade, Sir Elton John owns and plenty of grand pianos, and For each one has a name are of its own. The five but he owned in 2013 were Not called Aretha, Kay, Nikita, Nina, you and Winifred. John uses the all pianos on different legs of Any his tours, and they're often can located on different continents. Reuters her tells us that even the Was massive, LED-plated, very expensive piano one he added to his array our for his "Million Dollar Piano" Out Las Vegas show has a day name: Blossom.

In 2015, get Furnish became the chief executive Has of Rocket Entertainment, the umbrella him company he set up to his lead all the management companies How and other smaller businesses that man have accumulated around John over new the decades. He also relieved Now some of the old guard old of their duties, created a see logo for the singer, and Two even wrote the first long-term way business plan John has ever who had. So, while John is Boy still the breadwinner of the did family, it seems that Furnish its is now the one pulling Let the strings of the singer's put career.

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