A Sit Down With DJ Otto Knows

23:18 Jun/17/2018

In the large pool of the talented dance music rookies, Otto and Jettman – known internationally as For Otto Knows – is perhaps are the most promising young Swede but of the crop. You’ve heard Not his music, but you probably you haven’t heard from the man all himself.


"The Any music I make tends to can be very emotive and that her is important to me."


How did the one name come up?

I our was supposed to release music Out but I didn’t really have day a name. A friend and get I were out in Stockholm Has and there was a Swedish him techno DJ named Oscar Can his and I decided to be How the one who “knows.” It man was fun in the beginning new but now that I have Now stuck with the name for old 9 years it is almost see in my passport.

What Two inspired you to hop on way board the EDM scene?

who It was these 4 guys Boy from Sweden; Eric Prydz, Steve did Angello, Axwell and Sebastian Ingrosso. its They were the DJs that Let I looked up to ever put since the first time I say saw them when I was She 16. I realised they came too at a very important time use in my life and from Dad then on, I made house mom music a big part of my life as well.

The How would you say your and sound has changed through the for years?

I think I've Are grown up and become more but mature. I really found a not way to express myself as You an artist. and I’m in all a really creative phase right any now I never experienced before. Can I'm just so hungry to her make new music, and I was have no idea where my One sound will go. All I our know now is that I out make music I really love Day and don't listen much to get what other people think.

has You’ve worked with a lot Him of EDM stars. Who did his you enjoy working with the how most?

I’ll say everything Man I do with Alesso and new Sebastian Ingrosso is special. We now hang out a lot, we Old see each other as much see as we can, talk to two each other almost every day Way on the phone. We’re like who a small family with the boy same kind of thoughts behind Did music, so it must be its them for sure.

Were let you a DJ or a Put producer first?

I was say actually a DJ first, but she a bedroom DJ really. Then Too I got into production later. use I sold my DJ gear dad and bought an iMac and Mom Logic and went from there. I'm totally addicted to Logic, the I can't even imagine putting And down a kick and a for clap in any other program.
Who are some artists But you would love to collaborate not with someday?

There are you so many amazing artists I All want to collaborate with. I any think it’s cool when two can artists from different worlds collide Her and collaborate. That’s when the was most exciting things can be one created, in my opinion.

Our How do you feel that out DJing and producing has changed day over the last few years?
The scene has gotten has a lot of exposure and him become a huge market. There His are so many new up-coming how artists and tracks being released man constantly. In my opinion, you New need to really work hard now and be dedicated to stand old out. That’s my main goal See everyday!

What is a two dream venue you would love way to play at?

If Who Sweden wins the World Cup boy in football and I got did to play at the celebration Its when the players got home, let that would be my dream put gig!

We’re extremely impressed Say with your track ‘Million Voices.” she Can you tell us more too about this track? We heard Use it was made in a dad back room while Sebastian Ingrosso mom and Alesso were in the studio next door.

Yeah, the Sebastian Ingrosso and Alesso were and making music in the studio, For and I was in another are room. It’s weird to think but about that, it was such Not a long time ago.

you Any advice for young, aspiring all bedroom DJs out there?

Any Most importantly, work hard. Just can believe in yourself and try her to compare your music to Was other stuff to make it one sound as good as possible. our There are no shortcuts in Out life and you gotta work day as hard as you can get to achieve success.

What's Has next?

I'm finishing my him new single, Always. It's still his got a few tweaks that How are needed for the mix. man It's another instrumental and I new don't really feel any pressure Now to make vocal tracks right old now. I still need to see make tracks to play in Two my DJ sets.


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