The grand prize winner receives studio time with Zedd in Los Angeles, a meeting with Interscope Records, A mentoring session with Blood Company (the management team behind Zedd), a feature with Insomniac and a VIP experience at this year’s 20th anniversary of Nocturnal Wonderland, $10,000 cash, New gear and products from 8DM, GoPro, Native Instruments, Pioneed, QSC, and Roland.
Open only to individual artists who are legal residents of the contiguous 48 states of the U.S. and the District of Columbia (excluding HI, AK and Puerto Rico), and at the time of entry are at least 16 years of age or older. Remixes should be no longer than 7 minutes in length. One submission per participant. By submitting a Submission and thereby entering the Contest, Entrants and Designated Agents grant to each of the Contest Parties and each of the Prize Partners, a worldwide, perpetual, unlimited, irrevocable, royalty-free right and license to use, display, distribute, reproduce, host, publish, transmit and publicly perform the submission. The full rules can be read here.
To get the remix stems you need to sign up through Amplifier. You also have to add YouTube videos to your Amplifier TV channel and promote your channel. Once you have completed your remix you need to upload it to YouTube and then post it on your Amplifier channel.