COMPETITION: Gabriel Tait Remix Contest


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Closing on:21.06.2015
Label:Ullevi Music
Prize:Winners will get their remix released on Ullevi Music along with an original track release. Runner Up winners will get their remix released (number of runner up winners will be dependent on submissions).
Rules:All genres are welcome but only trance submissions will be eligible for release. Entrants must be 18 or older. Remixes cannot be uploaded anywhere other than Soundcloud until the contest has closed. Submissions that have not won can still be shared on media hosting/streaming sites for non-profit promotions AFTER the contest has ended. Ullevi Music holds all copyrights to any and all material provided in the stem package.
Submission:The remix pack can be downloaded from Dropbox. Completed remixes should be added to this SoundCloud group with downloads disabled and named in the pattern of "Gabriel Tait - Gemini (Your Name Remix)".

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