Audio 2 is driving me crazy!!!

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Audio 2 is driving me crazy!!!
Posted on: 20.09.2012 by Golda Sivertson
Hi. At first, sorry for my language, that's not my native language. I wasn't sure, where should i place this thread. sorry.

Okay. Yesterday, i bought Kontrol F1 and Audio 2.

On EVERY pc i tried, i have the same problems: "Crackle" sound, and dropouts. i tried everything: every available drivers i've found, changing latency, changing USB Buffer size, ASIO4ALL drivers, Disable WIFI nad every unnesessery software. EVERYTHIING. i even go back to the shop where i bought AUDIO 2. They connect to my lpatop other AUDIO 2 device, but that doesn't solve problem.

My PC's: Dell Latitude (C2D 1.83 Ghz, 2 gb ram, Win XP SP3 (i download SP3 today)

Thinkpad t42 (Pentium m1.7 ghz, 768 mb ram, WIN XP)

Asus (i don't know the model) Sempron 2.23 Ghz, 4 GB ram, WIn 7.

Important thing is, that the Thinkpad runs Audio 2 and TP2.5 quite well. there were only few "sound cracks".

But on the others computers, dropouts and audio distortion were killing me.

I write to NI, i'm waiting for respond.

Ps. I'm really sorry for my english, i know it's terrible. Probably, when you're reading it, you have lot of fun lol.

Ps 2. it's so unfair, i live in Poland and we don't have any Offical NI helpline. i can count only on you, guys. and girls.
Cole Maroto
Originally Posted by qwak12345
i started few years ago with vinyls, i was using cdj's, serato itch, but....Traktor is all what i need. it's really great software with great hardware, something for people that want something more than classic 2 decks+mixer, but tey don't want to use software like Ableton. Just like Kontrol F1 says - "Djing meet live performance".

sounds a lot like me but i skipped over serato. i went from vinyl, then added cdjs, then onto ableton, and finally into traktor. so far it's my favorite setup that i've used and it's fired up a new passion for djing in me. even my girlfriend is learning on my vci400 and i'm having fun teaching her. plus, i love the fact that i can pretty easily hook up my turntables and cdjs (with our without timecode) if i want that type of feeling again.
Cole Maroto
Originally Posted by qwak12345
squidot - eh, yeah, i believe you're right. but i was really mad, that's all. we are only humans, right? Sorry for that what i wrote, i shouldn't do it. Thanks for help and advices guys!
i hear ya loud and clear. i've been red in the face angry at them too so i completely understand your frustrations.

And, one more thing...Native, when everything works, i can see how wonderful you you marry me?

lol, im glad you got everything worked out and running properly. sounds like you are having a lot of fun and that's the most important thing. enjoy your time in the darkside with the rest of us!
Cole Maroto
Originally Posted by qwak12345
Dude, relax i really like my country and i'm happy, that i can afford my dj stuff. the thing is, that if someone don't have have knowledge about PC, may have big problems. you know what i mean? when you buy a new car, only thing you have to do, is fill tank with gas, and you can ride. THAT's all. Besides, in my djshop guy witch sells me Audoi 2 was really surprised, when i told him, that the problem was wifi.
if you are using a pc or mac and dont have knowledge of how they work, then you are liable to have big problems in general, not just with audio hardware/software. it's not even about pc as mac users suffer from their share of computer issues as well. if your dj shop guy was surprised that it was a wifi issue, then he needs to do some studying as well.

i don't agree with your car analogy either. if all you are doing is filling it up with gas and going, then you are going to have big issues there as well. you should be getting oil changes and preventive maintenance done regularly to keep everything running properly. you are also forgetting about the whole period of time where you have to learn how to drive and get the muscle memory down and practice, and then take multiple tests to prove you probably won't kill someone every time you get in and ride. that is where you are at in your dj adventures currently - the learning how to drive phase. with anything technical, you are going to need to put your study time in and not just expect everything to work with 0 effort. besides that, there are plenty of resources for the problems you are having, including many on the ni site and community s.

In my country, dj scene is small, 90% of djs, plays from Cdj's (800/1000), and using traktor in clubs is something completley egzotic. When you had Pioneer products, there's a lot of paces where you can fix your cdj's. But, when you have NI products, you can only count od dj community s.
same thing is true in most of america as well. i have a rather large dj scene where i'm from and i have yet to see any local djs using traktor. in fairness i don't go out much anymore, but when i do it's pretty much all cdjs with serato.

Ps. When i say, that i feel like a 3rd world citizen, i was believeing about my terrible english
fair enough, but when you have an entire post complaining about how bad ni is and end it with a statement like that, it's impossible to make the connection to your language without specifically clarifying that point.

look, like i said, i know it sucks to have these issues. trust me, i've dealt with them all myself on both macs and pcs (for days on end) but it's not really ni's fault that your computer needs the wifi turned off to work properly. they try to put up as many resources as possible and there are tons of community s with good info. the fact of the matter is, ni would love it if their gear worked perfectly on every setup imaginable. it saves them headaches and makes them more money. the reality is, creating hardware and software for a large number of varied platforms and having them work perfectly on all of them 100% of the time is just impossible. since we don't live in a blue skies world, the burden of troubleshooting lies on you in the end and most issues can be resolved with a little research, patience, and help from others who have experienced the same problems as you.
Cole Maroto
Originally Posted by qwak12345
yeah. i know. but that's not cool. really, it's very not cool. i also have problem with remix decks, but my english is too weak to describe it, so i've got to wait till monday for service from my djshop. oh my god, i feel like 3rd world citizen.
Oh lawdy, that's some serious 1st world problems you have there man. I know, it totally makes me feel like a 3rd world citizen to live in a house and have enough money to dj as a hobby. Heaven forbid you have to do something simple like turn off your wifi to fix a problem. Also a quick search on the ni site shows tips and tricks to get their stuff optimized for Windows. In searches, turning off your WiFi completely is generally the number one solution in every community post on the subject ever.

I know it sucks to have these problems, but damn dude...3rd world citizen? Just relax, you'll get it all sorted with a little research or help from your dj shop.
Golda Sivertson
One more thing, NI send me this (maybe it can help someone with similar problems:

NONE of these systems does fulfill the system specifications for Traktor 2.5.

Traktor 2.5 requires Windows 7.

All other Windows OS do not fulfill the minimum system requirements as stated there:


Windows 7 (latest Service Pack, 32/64 Bit), 2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon
64 X2, 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)M

Mac OS X 10.6 or 10.7 (latest update), Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)

Monitor with 1024 x 768 screen resolution, USB 2.0, 1 GB free disc space
High-speed internet connection

Please note that NI cant offer technical support for systems that do not fulfill
the minimal system requirements.

> Dell Latitude D620 (C2D 1.83 Ghz, 2 GB ram, WIN XP Service Pack 3 (i tried also
> SP2)

CPU too slow, wrong OS

> IBM Thinkpad t42 (Pentium M 1.7 Ghz, 768 MB ram, WIN XP)

to old (unsopported) CPU, & CPU too slow & wrong OS

> Some kind of Asus Laptop : AMD sempron 2.23 Ghz, 4 GB ram, WIndows 7.

unsupported CPU (Sempron not supported, its only a stripped down version, you
would need at least an AMD Athlon 64 X2 if you go for AMD)

You should though try to fix possible DPC issues, maybe you will be able to get at
least a basic performance with one of your systems:

Please note the following regarding latency & audio performance:

1. Always use 44100Hz/44,1kHz as sample rate, and make sure to use the ASIO driver
for your interface (you do this in 'preferences' -> 'audio setup', there please
make sure to select the ASIO driver for 'audio device')

2. use 128, 256 or 512 samples as buffer-size/latency (the set value should
always be a multiple of 128, so if you get artifacts with 128, just set this to
256, if you still get artifacts with 256, then set this to 512).
You can change this in 'preferences' -> 'audio setup', there click the 'settings'
button and then adjust the 'processing buffer'.

If you get any audio artifacts even with 512 samples (or if the driver switches to
'panic' mode so you get no audio at all), then you have a DPC problem:

Please follow all tips given in the following article and especially test your PC
with DPC Latency Checker and LatencyMon as described there as well:

Please note that you need to make both tests while Traktor is running and while at
least two decks are playing.
You also need to know that you need to let the test run at least until the problem
happens and also at least for 3 minutes.

Once you found out which drivers are causing the problem, please check the file
'drivers_list.pdf' that you'll find attached to the linked KB article.
This file contains troubleshooting tips for all drivers that are known to possibly
create DPC problems.

You should also make sure to use the latest driver for your NI interface that you
can download here, this driver is able to compensate smaller DPC issues up to 4ms:

Depending on the results you get you should increase the USB buffer size so that
the USB Buffer is bigger then the actual DPC problem (so with a DPC issue of e.g.
2,7 ms set the USB Buffer to 3ms).

Best regards
Golda Sivertson
and i'm jelaous of your vci 400 :< i sold mu Numark NS6 about 5 days ago. i connect him to traktor but, mappings that i found was terrible. i mena, iin itch platters were vere smooth ant they react very quickly, but in traktor.....
Golda Sivertson
And the remix decks is one of the greates ideas i have ever seen. i mean, that's like cue point juggling but you can do far more than before. i'm not sure, but that clips works similar to ableton, am i right?
Cole Maroto
Originally Posted by qwak12345
i started few years ago with vinyls, i was using cdj's, serato itch, but....Traktor is all what i need. it's really great software with great hardware, something for people that want something more than classic 2 decks+mixer, but tey don't want to use software like Ableton. Just like Kontrol F1 says - "Djing meet live performance".

sounds a lot like me but i skipped over serato. i went from vinyl, then added cdjs, then onto ableton, and finally into traktor. so far it's my favorite setup that i've used and it's fired up a new passion for djing in me. even my girlfriend is learning on my vci400 and i'm having fun teaching her. plus, i love the fact that i can pretty easily hook up my turntables and cdjs (with our without timecode) if i want that type of feeling again.
Golda Sivertson
i started few years ago with vinyls, i was using cdj's, serato itch, but....Traktor is all what i need. it's really great software with great hardware, something for people that want something more than classic 2 decks+mixer, but tey don't want to use software like Ableton. Just like Kontrol F1 says - "Djing meet live performance".
Cole Maroto
Originally Posted by qwak12345
squidot - eh, yeah, i believe you're right. but i was really mad, that's all. we are only humans, right? Sorry for that what i wrote, i shouldn't do it. Thanks for help and advices guys!
i hear ya loud and clear. i've been red in the face angry at them too so i completely understand your frustrations.

And, one more thing...Native, when everything works, i can see how wonderful you you marry me?

lol, im glad you got everything worked out and running properly. sounds like you are having a lot of fun and that's the most important thing. enjoy your time in the darkside with the rest of us!
Golda Sivertson
And, one more thing...Native, when everything works, i can see how wonderful you you marry me?

Golda Sivertson
squidot - eh, yeah, i believe you're right. but i was really mad, that's all. we are only humans, right? Sorry for that what i wrote, i shouldn't do it. Thanks for help and advices guys!
Cole Maroto
Originally Posted by qwak12345
Dude, relax i really like my country and i'm happy, that i can afford my dj stuff. the thing is, that if someone don't have have knowledge about PC, may have big problems. you know what i mean? when you buy a new car, only thing you have to do, is fill tank with gas, and you can ride. THAT's all. Besides, in my djshop guy witch sells me Audoi 2 was really surprised, when i told him, that the problem was wifi.
if you are using a pc or mac and dont have knowledge of how they work, then you are liable to have big problems in general, not just with audio hardware/software. it's not even about pc as mac users suffer from their share of computer issues as well. if your dj shop guy was surprised that it was a wifi issue, then he needs to do some studying as well.

i don't agree with your car analogy either. if all you are doing is filling it up with gas and going, then you are going to have big issues there as well. you should be getting oil changes and preventive maintenance done regularly to keep everything running properly. you are also forgetting about the whole period of time where you have to learn how to drive and get the muscle memory down and practice, and then take multiple tests to prove you probably won't kill someone every time you get in and ride. that is where you are at in your dj adventures currently - the learning how to drive phase. with anything technical, you are going to need to put your study time in and not just expect everything to work with 0 effort. besides that, there are plenty of resources for the problems you are having, including many on the ni site and community s.

In my country, dj scene is small, 90% of djs, plays from Cdj's (800/1000), and using traktor in clubs is something completley egzotic. When you had Pioneer products, there's a lot of paces where you can fix your cdj's. But, when you have NI products, you can only count od dj community s.
same thing is true in most of america as well. i have a rather large dj scene where i'm from and i have yet to see any local djs using traktor. in fairness i don't go out much anymore, but when i do it's pretty much all cdjs with serato.

Ps. When i say, that i feel like a 3rd world citizen, i was believeing about my terrible english
fair enough, but when you have an entire post complaining about how bad ni is and end it with a statement like that, it's impossible to make the connection to your language without specifically clarifying that point.

look, like i said, i know it sucks to have these issues. trust me, i've dealt with them all myself on both macs and pcs (for days on end) but it's not really ni's fault that your computer needs the wifi turned off to work properly. they try to put up as many resources as possible and there are tons of community s with good info. the fact of the matter is, ni would love it if their gear worked perfectly on every setup imaginable. it saves them headaches and makes them more money. the reality is, creating hardware and software for a large number of varied platforms and having them work perfectly on all of them 100% of the time is just impossible. since we don't live in a blue skies world, the burden of troubleshooting lies on you in the end and most issues can be resolved with a little research, patience, and help from others who have experienced the same problems as you.
Golda Sivertson
dima338 - you're probably . but i can't afford new mac. i need my PC to my work, and i'm not only person using computer in my house. so yeah, i know macs are better to solftware like Traktor, serato or something. but there's a lot oh things i'm doing on my PC that i can't do on mac.
Maegan Flotron
I understand you don't like Mac but I will say this - I had the same problems you had with Audio 6 (but even turning off Wi-Fi didn't help). As soon as I moved to a Mac - 0 problems. Like you said about the car, plug it in and it works So just something to consider in the future
Golda Sivertson
Sir Real - Nah, i don't like Mac. I'm Stalker fan, and i need my pc to play it : >
Golda Sivertson
Dude, relax i really like my country and i'm happy, that i can afford my dj stuff. the thing is, that if someone don't have have knowledge about PC, may have big problems. you know what i mean? when you buy a new car, only thing you have to do, is fill tank with gas, and you can ride. THAT's all. Besides, in my djshop guy witch sells me Audoi 2 was really surprised, when i told him, that the problem was wifi. In my country, dj scene is small, 90% of djs, plays from Cdj's (800/1000), and using traktor in clubs is something completley egzotic. When you had Pioneer products, there's a lot of paces where you can fix your cdj's. But, when you have NI products, you can only count od dj community s.

Ps. When i say, that i feel like a 3rd world citizen, i was believeing about my terrible english
Cole Maroto
Originally Posted by qwak12345
yeah. i know. but that's not cool. really, it's very not cool. i also have problem with remix decks, but my english is too weak to describe it, so i've got to wait till monday for service from my djshop. oh my god, i feel like 3rd world citizen.
Oh lawdy, that's some serious 1st world problems you have there man. I know, it totally makes me feel like a 3rd world citizen to live in a house and have enough money to dj as a hobby. Heaven forbid you have to do something simple like turn off your wifi to fix a problem. Also a quick search on the ni site shows tips and tricks to get their stuff optimized for Windows. In searches, turning off your WiFi completely is generally the number one solution in every community post on the subject ever.

I know it sucks to have these problems, but damn dude...3rd world citizen? Just relax, you'll get it all sorted with a little research or help from your dj shop.
Antonetta Wikel
Buy a mac. <ducks>
Golda Sivertson
yeah. i know. but that's not cool. really, it's very not cool. i also have problem with remix decks, but my english is too weak to describe it, so i've got to wait till monday for service from my djshop. oh my god, i feel like 3rd world citizen.
Latoria Kavulich
part of the game dude
Golda Sivertson
But WHY this is happening? it's unfair, when i buy nie devices, any my pc is strong enough it MUST work. it should be disclamer on every NI product "be ready for hours you spent, solving problem with our devices, and remember, you can't count on us lol". i sold Numark NS6 few days ago. when i bought him, i unpack controller, Installed itch, pluged into my pc and that's it, everything was fine. I find sa many topics an other community s called "Audio 2/4/8 dj problem/ Audio 2/6/10 dropouts/crackling etc. if so many users have prblems with that, why Ni don't do anything?

Latoria Kavulich
Also under battery, you want to disable the ACPI.SYS as well. Thats always a killer for latency
Golda Sivertson
21.09.2012 -> yeah, i know when i turn wifi off, everything works fine. look at the my previous posts. but, thanks.
Golda Sivertson
I consider selling Audio 2 and buying other my pc turning wifi off solve te prblem, but what when i change my laptop? Why this is so compliated? Eh. anyway, thank you for help.
Latoria Kavulich
disable your network drivers in device manager.
Golda Sivertson
i believe that's a problem with drivers. cause when traktor and wifi is on, i take about of 9-10 % of CPU usage. ant the load meter in traktor don't even reach the red field. I believe tjat NI should make a patch or something. i find couple of other threads - many people had the same problem, and turning wifi off helped.

Guy in my djshop told me, that i can be fault of CPU Architecure. i don't know. one thing i know, i was really mad when the problems started. i bought new Audio 2, i have originall traktor, and my pc was strong enough. On NI eb page should be an information, that when even your pc is good, it is possiblity that you can have that kind of problems.

Celine Surico
Strange that Wifi takes a lot of CPU cycles, that is not good in general concerning your laptop. Either you have a really lousy signal so something needs to constantly try to reconnect, or the Wifi drivers are lousy or possibly even faulty HW. Anyway, when playing out WiFi should be turned off, anyway.
Golda Sivertson
My Traktor version - 2.5.1

dima 338, Hippie - thank you for help.
Golda Sivertson
My PC - Dell Latitude D620 (C2D 1.83 Ghz, 2 GB Ram, WIN XP SP 3)

The problem was WI-FI. I disabled it (there is switch on the left side of ma laptop) and EVERYTHING works fine. na "crackle" sound, no audiodropouts, even when latency is low.

only way to make it work is turned off by switch. Turning it off in Windows didn't solved the problem.
Golda Sivertson

PROBLEM SOLVED! The problem was WI-FI. i know, i wrote before that shut down wi-fi, but now i turned it off on my laptop (there's switch on the side of my DELL) and, when wi-fi is off, everything works fine. No "crackle" sound, no dropouts, even when latency is low.
Tania Somppi
Did you try v2.5.1 ?

You're borderline minimum specs imo so a different version may yield better results.
Maegan Flotron
I've had similar problems with Traktor Audio 6 even on a more powerful machine.

First: check this link and follow all the tips there

Definitely use the LatencyMon program as it basically tells you the cause of audio dropouts.

If that doesn't work, I've heard of people making a separate partition and doing a clean install of Windows just for Traktor (no other software at all).

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