Noob question RE: VCI-400 EGE

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Noob question RE: VCI-400 EGE
Posted on: 25.03.2012 by Laurene Oleszkowicz
Hi guys,

I received my VCI-400 EGE last week and now I'm trying to decide between Serato and Traktor.

I understand that Traktor is fully mappable, but I've also gathered that NI hasn't certified the 400 so there are some minor issues.

My real question is whether the VCI-400 EGE is wasted with anything other that Traktor.

Thanks for the help.
Laurene Oleszkowicz
Hi guys,

I received my VCI-400 EGE last week and now I'm trying to decide between Serato and Traktor.

I understand that Traktor is fully mappable, but I've also gathered that NI hasn't certified the 400 so there are some minor issues.

My real question is whether the VCI-400 EGE is wasted with anything other that Traktor.

Thanks for the help.
robin loo
it is a waste if you use the EG with any other software than traktor, cause the firmware, which makes it so special, is specifically written for it..

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