Show your Midi-fighter!

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Show your Midi-fighter!
Posted on: 14.01.2010 by Mac Fly
I figured I would make a thread dedicated to people out in TechTools land showing their Midi-Fighters. I found myself fumbling through different threads so I thought this was a cool idea.

Im curious to see how some other people personalized their own Midi-Fighters. I am getting mine later this week and will put up pics myself.

So go ahead!
Mac Fly
I figured I would make a thread dedicated to people out in TechTools land showing their Midi-Fighters. I found myself fumbling through different threads so I thought this was a cool idea.

Im curious to see how some other people personalized their own Midi-Fighters. I am getting mine later this week and will put up pics myself.

So go ahead!
Berniece Savi
awesome idea. i've got my fighter (# 1 2 3) built but still have to pick up some parts for the case..i'll post as soon as its finished!

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