Super sad day!

Super sad day!
Posted on: 25.01.2010 by Murray Rollinson
After I did some mixing I decided to call it a evening . I went to bed like normal and woke up liek normal. However, when I went into my studio the next day I noticed that I accidentally took my headphones off and sat them next to my MidiFighter. Neglectfully, I didn't notice that my headphones were leaning on a button (1st button of the last row). My guess is that this button was being pressed all day. I took the headphones off and noticed that none of the LEDs except the very first one (nearest USB plug) worked. In fact, the first LED was always on, while none of the others worked. I tried resetting the device, but it doesn't show the normal marquee of lights to show a proper startup. The first LED just turns on and it stays that way.

I am a Sad Panda.

Can anyone out there help me?

EDIT: I tried the device with Traktor and it doesn't seem to respond.
robert chanda
Originally Posted by kelsey7k
Is this my imagination, or does the connection display just happen so fast they seem dimmer?
You're right. The reason for this is that in the loop during USB setup the LEDs get set to show the USB state, followed immediately by being set to the key state. So in effect they get turned on for a fraction of a second rather than staying on until the USB state changes.

This is one of the things I fixed in the latest firmware - no key states are sent to the LEDs until the USB connection is functional.
Glynis Mangona
Originally Posted by Fatlimey
When the Midifighter boots up it has to go through it's USB connection process before it will accept any key presses. LEDs 1, 2 and 3 on the top row are used to indicate the progress:

LED 1 = Unconnected
LED 2 = Connecting
LED 3 = Ready to use
not to derail the thread...but i have a question...just out of curiosity

When i turn on my laptop and the MF goes thru this process, the LEDs seem dimmer than normal...even, the light show part seems to activate the LEDs at the normal 'bright' level. Is this my imagination, or does the connection display just happen so fast they seem dimmer?

Or put another the LEDs actually have the capability to light at a lower brightness? or amicrazy?
Murray Rollinson
After I did some mixing I decided to call it a evening . I went to bed like normal and woke up liek normal. However, when I went into my studio the next day I noticed that I accidentally took my headphones off and sat them next to my MidiFighter. Neglectfully, I didn't notice that my headphones were leaning on a button (1st button of the last row). My guess is that this button was being pressed all day. I took the headphones off and noticed that none of the LEDs except the very first one (nearest USB plug) worked. In fact, the first LED was always on, while none of the others worked. I tried resetting the device, but it doesn't show the normal marquee of lights to show a proper startup. The first LED just turns on and it stays that way.

I am a Sad Panda.

Can anyone out there help me?

EDIT: I tried the device with Traktor and it doesn't seem to respond.
Adolf Hit
Awesome cant wait to see it!
Berniece Savi
@req sorry for your trouble. truly a bummer.

but oh phew. just came back and reread this thread because i just noticed those three extra lights for the first time after building my enclosure for my fighter and got worried I had damaged something in the process.... i'll post pics soon.
Adolf Hit
will do!
Murray Rollinson
Thanks for everything guys. I'll contact support as soon as I can. It's difficult to do now, as I'm packing and moving very soon and dont' know the new address to send the board to.

I can't really spot 3 rows of anything near the USB port. I could upload some pics for you, but if you're the one that's going to get the board from support, you may just want to keep a look out for #23.
Adolf Hit
Thanks for posting the video, from that I believe that the micro is running however it is failing to connect to a host.

Contact support - sorry I dont know the email of the top of my head, and they will send you a new board out, and a courier bag to return the dodgy one. Ill eventually have a look at it and let you know what went wrong.

One last question by the usb connector on the top side of the PCB there should be a 2 rows of tiny little pads, 3 in each row, is there a chip on them or just solder pads?
Glynis Mangona
thanks for the LED info
Murray Rollinson
@ Fats
I attempted the holding reset before with the same results. I tried the hold all four buttons and I get the same issue. As far as the issue being the PC, I figured that connecting the MF to multiple PC's (all of which have working USB ports) I managed to upload a small video demonstrating the effect that I get.

MF #23

I'm familiar with the trademark lightshow (which is awesome, btw), however when the MF is connected it doesn't get that far. If you notice in the clip when connected there is a VERY SHORT flicker of all LEDs on the unit. That's about all there is to it.

@ De Stilj
got an email for support?
Adolf Hit

I believe what you are seing is just because they are only being turned on for a very short period.

The first design I had on the midifighter did actuall have 8 bit control over the brightness of each led but there was a shortage of that part when we went to manufacture so I had to leave it out.


Thanks for the response, as Limey sugested can you try holding the four corner buttons down while plugging in the USB?
robert chanda
Originally Posted by kelsey7k
Is this my imagination, or does the connection display just happen so fast they seem dimmer?
You're right. The reason for this is that in the loop during USB setup the LEDs get set to show the USB state, followed immediately by being set to the key state. So in effect they get turned on for a fraction of a second rather than staying on until the USB state changes.

This is one of the things I fixed in the latest firmware - no key states are sent to the LEDs until the USB connection is functional.
Glynis Mangona
Originally Posted by Fatlimey
When the Midifighter boots up it has to go through it's USB connection process before it will accept any key presses. LEDs 1, 2 and 3 on the top row are used to indicate the progress:

LED 1 = Unconnected
LED 2 = Connecting
LED 3 = Ready to use
not to derail the thread...but i have a question...just out of curiosity

When i turn on my laptop and the MF goes thru this process, the LEDs seem dimmer than normal...even, the light show part seems to activate the LEDs at the normal 'bright' level. Is this my imagination, or does the connection display just happen so fast they seem dimmer?

Or put another the LEDs actually have the capability to light at a lower brightness? or amicrazy?
robert chanda
When the Midifighter boots up it has to go through it's USB connection process before it will accept any key presses. LEDs 1, 2 and 3 on the top row are used to indicate the progress:

LED 1 = Unconnected
LED 2 = Connecting
LED 3 = Ready to use

It looks like your machine is stuck in the "unconnected" stage (assuming pressing keys produces no lights). Some questions:
  1. When you restart the machine, does it go through it's light show (turning on all lights one by one)?
  2. After the light show it does the USB connection. Does LED2 flicker at all? Even briefly?
  3. If you hold down the top-left key while resetting the Midifighter (plugging in the USB cable), does it drop into Menu Mode?
  4. If you hold down all four corner keys while plugging in the USB cable, does it show a checkerboard pattern of LEDs? (That's firmware update mode).

If the answer to these questions is "yes", I would check your host computer. It sounds like the Midifighter is trying to connect and the host is failing to load the correct USB-Audio Class driver. One thing that may fix things is to flash the Midifighter with a new ROM as I have done some work on the USB connection code. Well, I made the connection LEDs more visible and made sure nothing else happens before the connection is solid.
Claud Balkum
Send a message to djranking s service they helped me!
Sadly they had to send me a new logic board.
Murray Rollinson
Ironically enough, I believe I was the first person to receive and post AND break and post.
Murray Rollinson
thanks for any help given, first of all.
there isn't any other information, to be honest. I leave it connected to my PC (if that matters, but I'm guessing not since it worked just fine prior going to bed)I was using it and it worked like magic for a couple hours. I went to bed, came up the next morning noticed there was a light on (bottom right) took my headphones off the button, and this is all I see:

I've tried :
resetting holding the reset button
restarting computer
searching computer for hardware to disable then enable (it's not recognized upon connect)
Telling Traktor to stop using the device (it doesn't show up as a device)
using a different slot
using a different computer
Replacing the respective button
Connecting without the respective button

that's about as far as my troubleshooting knowledge goes for a device like this. I'm sad to admit it, but this could be a on-board hardware issue. Getting the same result on another machine isolates the problem to MF.
Getting same result with a different button in place cuts a button malfunction out of the list. And the fact that it worked previously eliminates the notion of improper building.

Am I missing something?
Adolf Hit
This is odd, there should be no issue with leaving buttons depressed for long periods of time.

The fact that the first led is the only one that comes on is odder still, this is normally a symptom that it has not yet connected to a PC but has been powered, but it should still display the startup pattern before switching the the 1st led only mode'

Any other factors you might have missed here?

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