TSI for Midifighter help!

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TSI for Midifighter help!
Posted on: 03.02.2010 by Mac Fly
Just recieved my Midifighter today. Put it all together and it works fine. But when I import my TSI for my Midifighter my mapping for the VCI 100 SE dissapears and vice versa. I tried unchecking some of the obvious boxes that come up when the TSI is loaded but nothing is working???
robin loo
Originally Posted by Abyrne7
Thanks buddy. Funny how little things like that can set ya back for so long haha.
you're welcome..
Mac Fly
Just recieved my Midifighter today. Put it all together and it works fine. But when I import my TSI for my Midifighter my mapping for the VCI 100 SE dissapears and vice versa. I tried unchecking some of the obvious boxes that come up when the TSI is loaded but nothing is working???
robin loo
Originally Posted by Abyrne7
Thanks buddy. Funny how little things like that can set ya back for so long haha.
you're welcome..
Marceline Renteria
i had this problem too. drove me mad until someone pointed it out haha
Mac Fly
Thanks buddy. Funny how little things like that can set ya back for so long haha.
robin loo
go to the controller mapping, select in the upper section "Add..." and then import.
if you click the big import button at the bottom of the prefs, it deletes your old mappings..

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