explaining the TSI mapping

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explaining the TSI mapping
Posted on: 05.02.2010 by Janett Dal
Hey There,

Got the MIDI Fighter. Great little MIDI tool. Messed around with the TSI in TSP 1.2.4 the other evening .

Downloaded the graphic to see how it was assigned.

I'm still not clear on how to use it according to the layout shown in the graphic.

In particular the items in purple.

Is there a key or a legend that specifically describes how to instantiate the intended results according to that layout?

I believe there might be great value in that video that Ean is working on too (as a picture is worth a thousand words, so a video must be an order of magnitude better for us all who are not quite so adept at understand the tricks going on there).

Thanks in advance.

Danae Dumler
Originally Posted by djtim
You need to Shift sample with out a sample being looped. then hot cues 5-8 become gater at diffrent timings.

if you set a loop (Sample) then shift sample this becomes sample beatslicer hot cues 1-8

hope this helps
try it out
Sweet! This mapping just gets better and better :P
Melania Wollenhaupt
Originally Posted by djproben
I'm confused about this gater effect, I shift-sample for the slicer effects, not the gater ... how is this working? When I shift-sample, all the cue buttons become different settings for beatslicer, not gaters. And cue button 5 turns the effect off so the sample just repeats normally. Am I misunderstanding your post?
You need to Shift sample with out a sample being looped. then hot cues 5-8 become gater at diffrent timings.

if you set a loop (Sample) then shift sample this becomes sample beatslicer hot cues 1-8

hope this helps
try it out
Janett Dal
Hey There,

Got the MIDI Fighter. Great little MIDI tool. Messed around with the TSI in TSP 1.2.4 the other evening .

Downloaded the graphic to see how it was assigned.

I'm still not clear on how to use it according to the layout shown in the graphic.

In particular the items in purple.

Is there a key or a legend that specifically describes how to instantiate the intended results according to that layout?

I believe there might be great value in that video that Ean is working on too (as a picture is worth a thousand words, so a video must be an order of magnitude better for us all who are not quite so adept at understand the tricks going on there).

Thanks in advance.

Danae Dumler
Originally Posted by djtim
You need to Shift sample with out a sample being looped. then hot cues 5-8 become gater at diffrent timings.

if you set a loop (Sample) then shift sample this becomes sample beatslicer hot cues 1-8

hope this helps
try it out
Sweet! This mapping just gets better and better :P
Melania Wollenhaupt
Originally Posted by djproben
I'm confused about this gater effect, I shift-sample for the slicer effects, not the gater ... how is this working? When I shift-sample, all the cue buttons become different settings for beatslicer, not gaters. And cue button 5 turns the effect off so the sample just repeats normally. Am I misunderstanding your post?
You need to Shift sample with out a sample being looped. then hot cues 5-8 become gater at diffrent timings.

if you set a loop (Sample) then shift sample this becomes sample beatslicer hot cues 1-8

hope this helps
try it out
Danae Dumler
I'm confused about this gater effect, I shift-sample for the slicer effects, not the gater ... how is this working? When I shift-sample, all the cue buttons become different settings for beatslicer, not gaters. And cue button 5 turns the effect off so the sample just repeats normally. Am I misunderstanding your post?
Melania Wollenhaupt
Check out the Midifighter TSI 1.1 Update.

Now with Added Gater effect and reworked Delay
Press and hold for delay Freeze or just toggle on off for delay on off.

Gater is opened by Shift Sample then hot cue buttons 5-8
LED lights to show you are in gater juggle mode.
Shift sample to exit

I Have still found a bug in 1.1.
beatmash juggle mode and filtermash juggle mode don't seem to turn on the Effect 2 in the mixer section.
Janett Dal
Thank you for that! Helps a ton.

I'm gonna give this a workout this weekend.

Melania Wollenhaupt
I am still waiting for my X1 in the post also.
however i worked out Eans TSI for the Midifighter might be able to throw some light on it.

I was a bit confused at first also.

ok here goes

Shift button Top Right Button = Deck select this scrolls through ABCD so if you only have 2 decks showing you have to press it 4 times to get to Deck A again.

select the deck you want to Effect. and the bottom 2 rows become Hot-cues if no hot cue is stored it will store one in the place where you pressed the button.
holding shift and pressing the same hot-cue button deletes the hot-cue.
be careful not to delete all your hot-cues as i did.

Delay filter and Beatmash are the 3 buttons above the hot-cues to on the right hand side.
all clear, however i found a bug where the delay amount did not get set. so i just knocked it up with the mouse and hit the snapshot button in TP

the delay is toggle on/off LED on the midi fighter should on off also.

filter is on touch as is beat masher.

all easy so far.

Here is the fun part.

Hold shift and press the Beat masher Button on the midi fighter. LED should stay on. then the four buttons all become beat-maser but all with different timings.

same goes for Shift + Filter. this is the same as beat-masher but now with a filter. each of the 4 buttons are beatmash and filter at different amounts.

now we are grooving.

to exit hold shift and hit the beatmash or filter button.

back to standard Midifighter.

Sample 8 beats or 2 bars of a track. sample button.

now the sample is looping hold shift and hit the sample button again.

now play the hot cue buttons = Sample juggle.

kinda like Ableton Live Beat repeat set to random.

again shift Sample to return to normal then hit the sample to stop playback of the loop.
you can hit play at the same time or any of the hot-cue buttons to start the deck again.


one tip i would give is the CUE button next to play delete it from the TSI File.
the reason is if your in the middle of a mental beatmash frenzy and hit the CUE button, everything stops.
get rid of it. it will still function in shift mode so no harm done.

settings Midi settings
Midifighter then scroll through the TSI and look for CUE and just delete it.

its all by it's self so should be easy to find.
it's a big TSI so don't be put off.

thanks to EAN the TSI Ninja for the hard work.

i will follow up with my work arounds for the XI
I'm doing X! plus Midifighter for EFX Playing if and when the mood takes me during the set.

shout if you need any more help.

now for spell check
Janett Dal
also: I'm using mine in conjunction with the NI X1 controller as well. Hoping to see if anyone is doing the same. Super powerful and compact way to control TSP.

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