Toggle LED's

Toggle LED's
Posted on: 12.01.2010 by Donnette Parish
Lovin the midifighter... I just mapped it (with the help of DvlsAdvct) so that I have the bottom 8 buttons for hotcues on deck A, 7 of the top 8 buttons are used for effect on/offs. And then the top left button toggles it from deck A to deck B and changes the effect on/offs from units 1 & 3 to 2 & 4. I'm wondering, is there anyway to change the LED on that top left button so that it stays lit when I'm on deck B and off when I'm on A.
Donnette Parish
Lovin the midifighter... I just mapped it (with the help of DvlsAdvct) so that I have the bottom 8 buttons for hotcues on deck A, 7 of the top 8 buttons are used for effect on/offs. And then the top left button toggles it from deck A to deck B and changes the effect on/offs from units 1 & 3 to 2 & 4. I'm wondering, is there anyway to change the LED on that top left button so that it stays lit when I'm on deck B and off when I'm on A.
Donnette Parish
yea. This only works if you're using modifiers to switch decks rather than deck focus. But, if you read the rest of this thread you'll see what I was trying to accomplish. So yea... All you have to do is go into the midi section. Click add output. Scroll to the modifier part. Click the modifier you are working with. Then you decide what deck you want the light on. I chose deck B. Then figure out what note the LED is, I used the top left for my deck change button, which is C3. Then you just set the value to 1 for whichever deck you want the light to come one. So now when I'm deck A- no light, press top left button to switch to deck B- light comes on. It was a hassle to map this one button. It would've been easier to just make it a deck focus button but then I would have to scroll through decks C and D to get back to A. I only use these decks to duplicate loops and such to and don't really need them taking up time. SO I went with modifiers. I really like this mapping now, no more fuck ups since I've added the light. Hope this helps...
Greta Granzella
Can you post your solution for others who might be having the same problem?
Donnette Parish
Yeeeeaaa. Figured it out. way too easy...
Donnette Parish
anything... I'm contemplating suicide by usb cord hanging.
Donnette Parish
So any idea... I'm not too keen on the whole modifier aspect. But I believe I know enough. I can get the light to be off when I'm on deck A, when I press the button to switch to deck B the light comes on (this is what I want), I thought I had it figured out but then when I switch back to deck A the light stays on, and wont go off even if I delete the new addition to the map. I have to close traktor and turn it back on or unplug the midifighter for the light to go off. I really need to figure out this light, I need the visual representation for when I'm on deck B. I messed up last Friday evening , as I thought I was on deck A but I was really on B, pressed hotcue one and I ruined the mix. Grrrrr....
Evangeline Abraha
I believe this is a very handy way to do it, keep us posted with your progress. I would love to test that TSI file. I am rocking with Ean's setup at the moment and that works a treat too. : )

Donnette Parish
when i do output there is no way to change to deck a or b it is only global...
Donnette Parish
ha. now it just stays on all the time even after I deleted the midi function. What now? How do I set up the LED in the mapping?
robert chanda
Assuming you haven't changed the "BaseNote" value from the Menu Mode, the top-left key should be note C3 (note number 48). You need to map your LED event to C3 and have it toggle on DeckA rather than Deck Focus.

A very handwavy answer as I don't have my laptop here to test it, but that's the idea. A toggle event in Traktor turns on with a KeyDown/KeyUp event pair and turns off with the next KeyDown./KeyUp pair. So, your key should toggle the deck focus, but the LED wants to represent "DeckA" focus, so it'll be On when you are in DeckA and Off when you're not.

Hope that helps/actually works...
Donnette Parish
I'm still at a loss here. It took me long enough to get my stuff all mapped to tPro that I had to take a break. Now I really need this light. I'm using a modifier but I don't know which midi note to put in for the led output. Any word...
Edna Cuzzo
You would have to involve midi send somehow I imagine.
That's probably a good place to start.
But you probably already knew that.
Donnette Parish
Yes. I am using a modifier. But how exactly would I do it... This will be the finishing touch on this mapping.
Adolf Hit
Hmmm Im not sure how to map it to deck focus state, but if you are using a modifier you could have it reflect the modifier state?

You got any ideas Robin?
Elisa Dealy
I've been wondering the same thing so if anyone can help it would be doubly appreciated

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