Help!:Two midi devices at the same time.

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Help!:Two midi devices at the same time.
Posted on: 08.03.2010 by Otha Biesinger
Hi I need some help with my DJ-gear I want to connect my Dj-console(Reloop Digital jockey 2) with my keyboard (M-audio Keystation-49e) Right now if i connect them both at the same time the keyboard will press random things on my console.

What i want is to make the keystation-49e play hot cues from the tracks while the console works normally, so like if they worked separately.

Thanks. (Btw say if you need some more info)

(note please move this to an other part of the community , I'm sorry I'm new)
Otha Biesinger
Hi I need some help with my DJ-gear I want to connect my Dj-console(Reloop Digital jockey 2) with my keyboard (M-audio Keystation-49e) Right now if i connect them both at the same time the keyboard will press random things on my console.

What i want is to make the keystation-49e play hot cues from the tracks while the console works normally, so like if they worked separately.

Thanks. (Btw say if you need some more info)

(note please move this to an other part of the community , I'm sorry I'm new)
Leota Saniuk
Hmm not sure. I once wrote a little tutorial of how to do it with bome:

Anyways, the point is that even if your midi devices can send on different channels, its up to you to tell them to do so. So just find out on which channel they are currently sending, look up the docs on one of them of how to change the channel and you are all set.
Otha Biesinger
I can't get it to work right, I believe it's because I'm using Windows 7, and I don't under stand that with channels, as far as I can hear the keyboard and the console works both on every channel.

Is there made any tutorial on midi mapping with channels?
Otha Biesinger
thank you ill look into it
Leota Saniuk
they are probably sending data on the same channel. you can probably change the channel right on your keyboard .. probably not on the reloop .. but its enough to change the channel on one of them. there is also software that can do this for any controller .. like for OSX there is a free app called midipipe .. i am sure for windows there is something similar around (midiyoke?)

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