Problems with MIDI Fighter + VCI100se combo?

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Problems with MIDI Fighter + VCI100se combo?
Posted on: 22.01.2010 by Danae Dumler
So I'm trying to use the VCI100SE and the MIDIFighter on the same USB hub on my Mac Pro running OS X 10.5.8 and Traktor Scratch Pro 1.2.4 but I am having disturbing problems like the system is overloaded. After about five minutes of playing the sound completely drops out and the screen freezes for a few seconds, and then it keeps coming back and freezing again until I quit the program or unplug the MIDI controllers. Am I trying to do too much with a USB hub? It doesn't seem to matter if the hub is plugged in or not. Is it possible there is a problem routing MIDI out to both devices? I am using the official tsi files from this site for both products. Is anyone else having problems using these two together? I'm playing out toevening and sadly going to have to leave the MIDI Fighter at home....
Ethelyn Vallelunga
Originally Posted by Mixer Miyagi
is that a powered hub?
it seems that info is a secret at the logitech site
Danae Dumler
So I'm trying to use the VCI100SE and the MIDIFighter on the same USB hub on my Mac Pro running OS X 10.5.8 and Traktor Scratch Pro 1.2.4 but I am having disturbing problems like the system is overloaded. After about five minutes of playing the sound completely drops out and the screen freezes for a few seconds, and then it keeps coming back and freezing again until I quit the program or unplug the MIDI controllers. Am I trying to do too much with a USB hub? It doesn't seem to matter if the hub is plugged in or not. Is it possible there is a problem routing MIDI out to both devices? I am using the official tsi files from this site for both products. Is anyone else having problems using these two together? I'm playing out toevening and sadly going to have to leave the MIDI Fighter at home....
Ethelyn Vallelunga
Originally Posted by Mixer Miyagi
is that a powered hub?
it seems that info is a secret at the logitech site
Danae Dumler
@xerxes - exactly the one I was having this problem with, though mine's a 7-port hub rather than 4. Anyone know of a 7-port one that definitely works?
Donnette Parish
get this one...
problem solved.
Edna Cuzzo
This is the one I have that DOESN'T Work:
They sell rebranded ones at BB and Walmart.

(I'm a little choked to find out that DealExtreme had them for $11 less then I paid.)
Deedra Burley
I have been running a hub perfectly fine with my vci and mf hooked up to it. I run my audio 2 dj to it's own dedicated usb port on my mac and everything else through the hub. It's a self powered hub without the need for extra cables. My latency is fine and I've had no issues whatsoever.

I will take a look at the hub when I get home as I forgot what brand/make it is. I believe I bought it at Bestbuy for no more than $15. I highly recommend it as I've already road tested it.
Danae Dumler
Well I'm pretty sure you are right on about this as both tools work fine on their own. I'm leavin the MF at home toevening but now I know what to do to fix it. Thank you so much!! Definitely looking forward to the upcoming article and some recommendations on a DJ-friendly USB hub (preferably one that handles 7 ports...).
Edna Cuzzo
can't wait for that help!
robert chanda
Here's my guess.

Your audio device is a "High Speed" USB2.0 device, the Midifighter is a "Full Speed" USB1.1 device. Your hub is a crappy one that converts all ports to the lowest speed of all of them (lowest common speed), so your sound card is being forced to go 40 times slower than it wants to.

Replace your USB hub with one that can support different USB speeds on each port without slowing them all down. Look out for an upcoming article on the complexities of USB speeds, hubs and how to make it work for you.

P.S. Your problem isn't latency, it's throughput. :-)
Edna Cuzzo
Well, I use an Xponent and Midi-Fighter, (Similar idea.) and the definitely both need their own USB port. I've got a brand-new iMac, so it's certainly not my processor/compy specs.
Unfortunately most midi-hubs can't seem to handle lots of midi/audio all at once, i've tried a few (from walmart, best-buy) and none of them really do the trick without really screwing with latency on the audio.
I also experienced the same freezing/audio stopping/unresponsiveness.
I would believe it's the hub certainly.
If anyone can suggest a low-latency USB hub to me/djp here that would be awesome!

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