Midi-Fighter in German videogames-magazine

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Midi-Fighter in German videogames-magazine
Posted on: 22.03.2010 by Makkins Clifton
The MIDI-Fighter was featured in the last issue of the German videogame-magazine "Gee".
It appears on the first page of the products section where they show clever niche products like 3d-printers or the "scratchophone".

Here is the translated text from the 3rd picture:
This controller appears to be perfect to pull off some great combos in Beat'em-up-games. The next thing you notice is there is no analog-stick or directional keys. No wonder. The "Midi-Fighter" is meant to control sounds, not rowdies:Musicians can control their audio-devices and -programmes with this special MIDI-controller through buttons like on a gambling machine. It is sold as an easy pluggable do-it-yourself-kit. The colors of the buttons are arbitrary. Around 110 Euro, www.midifighter.com
Makkins Clifton
Originally Posted by midifidler
I knew you'd like it <3

If the midifighter had a joystick I'm sure gamers would buy it as well
Makkins Clifton
The MIDI-Fighter was featured in the last issue of the German videogame-magazine "Gee".
It appears on the first page of the products section where they show clever niche products like 3d-printers or the "scratchophone".

Here is the translated text from the 3rd picture:
This controller appears to be perfect to pull off some great combos in Beat'em-up-games. The next thing you notice is there is no analog-stick or directional keys. No wonder. The "Midi-Fighter" is meant to control sounds, not rowdies:Musicians can control their audio-devices and -programmes with this special MIDI-controller through buttons like on a gambling machine. It is sold as an easy pluggable do-it-yourself-kit. The colors of the buttons are arbitrary. Around 110 Euro, www.midifighter.com
Irwin Ney
awesome, I'm proud of you DJTT
Dee Atondo
If only the MF had a joystick, wink wink nudge nudge
Makkins Clifton
Originally Posted by midifidler
I knew you'd like it <3

If the midifighter had a joystick I'm sure gamers would buy it as well
Adolf Hit
Random X
NIce finding hedgie!

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