Bug(?): sometimes it "misses" a press? (OSX)

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Bug(?): sometimes it "misses" a press? (OSX)
Posted on: 04.08.2010 by Joy Ringer
Hi good people,

I just took receipt of my Midi Fighter and it's fantastic.

But, I was wondering about one thing: has anyone ever noticed that sometimes the first keypress in awhile doesn't register?

In other words, if you set the thing up and are playing it for awhile then you let it sit -- then trigger it again, sometimes the LED triggers, but no MIDI event happens until second press.

Am I imagining this? Has anyone else noticed it? I'm not opposed to digging in the code myself but wanted to check first.

Joy Ringer
Hi good people,

I just took receipt of my Midi Fighter and it's fantastic.

But, I was wondering about one thing: has anyone ever noticed that sometimes the first keypress in awhile doesn't register?

In other words, if you set the thing up and are playing it for awhile then you let it sit -- then trigger it again, sometimes the LED triggers, but no MIDI event happens until second press.

Am I imagining this? Has anyone else noticed it? I'm not opposed to digging in the code myself but wanted to check first.

Joy Ringer
Solution, straight from Serato New Zealand:

Turn Screen Updates up to 60/sec (the maximum). Works like a charm for me. I had them set down to 15/sec from force of habit, when I had a much slower computer.

Daisy Dotseth
Same thing happens to me on PC

This is limited to a new track loaded though - i find i have to hit whatever cue point once and then a second time - after teh 2nd hit it will register and do so all the time.
Joy Ringer
notshy: Please waste time elsewhere, this is a serious informational thread.
Lorelei Przybylowicz
Dare I say 1:nil to Traktor? : )
Joy Ringer
Given the exactness of the threshold, I suspect the behavior is by design, to filter out accidental presses.

Danae Dumler
definitely sounds like Serato as I have never seen this behavior in Traktor.
Joy Ringer
I tested and replicated it with a pure MIDI message sent from PD. 50ms it registers, 49ms it does not:

I've moved beyond Rane support and have moved on to Serato in New Zealand. Will definitely keep the thread up-to-date.
Meg Reinoehl
Is there another controller you can test that "debouncing" with? If you have a pad controller of any kind, you can use it with the MIDI Fighter mapping.
Joy Ringer
As far as I can tell, Midi Fighter is above reproach here.

It looks like Serato is using some kind of MIDI "debouncing" where if there's not a certain duration between a Note On and Note Off, it's ignoring the message.

I'll look into ways of getting around this. Other Serato users are bound to discover the same thing eventually.

Joy Ringer
Thanks for the reply. It's only the Serato box and the MF plugged in. There are no extraneous MIDI assignments in Serato either.

Meg Reinoehl
Is there another controller that you're using along with the MF? I haven't tried this in a while, but I do recall that if I'm using the same effects on 2 controllers (in my case the MF and VCI) that there's the "missed press" when using the second controller to trigger the same effect.
Joy Ringer
I used the MF on a gig last evening . It definitely is "going to sleep" and "missing" the first press on my setup.

I've got a Macbook running 10.5.8. I'll do some testing to determine if it's the computer, Serato (this seems doubtful), or the MF.


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