MF with Kontrol X1 any known issues?

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MF with Kontrol X1 any known issues?
Posted on: 06.08.2010 by Lynelle Pitzl

Not purchased my MF yet, as I would like to know if there are any issues reported when using the MF in combination with Kontrol X1. I would dearly like to keep my X1 in the loop as it is great for adjusting effects on the fly, but like the idea of live performance editing with the MF too.

I am using TSP + Audio 8 + Vinyl + Kontrol X1.
Lynelle Pitzl

Not purchased my MF yet, as I would like to know if there are any issues reported when using the MF in combination with Kontrol X1. I would dearly like to keep my X1 in the loop as it is great for adjusting effects on the fly, but like the idea of live performance editing with the MF too.

I am using TSP + Audio 8 + Vinyl + Kontrol X1.
Lynelle Pitzl
Now using it and loving it with the X1. What happens if I change the fx on the decalized AB focus mapping?
Dexter Volponi
I took my kontrol x1 back because I found out that everything on the Kontrol X1 I could do with the midi fighter and so much more!!!!
Lynelle Pitzl
As the X1 has it's own mapping within Traktor do I only have to load the tsi for the MF to use both?
Lynetta Piacentino
I don't know what happens if I would press all play buttons on those devices at the same time

But no problems at all. The core things is to set the correct in and outputs for each mapping to the correct device. That way they won't interfere which each other. They even do respond to each other; if I press play on one device, the status-led goes on on that device, but also on the other devices for which that status has been mapped.

I'm often using 2 (APC 40 / DJ II) or even 3 (APC 40 / DJ II / MF ) together, pressing buttons left and right and it works like (how do you say this nice..), like a charm
Lynelle Pitzl
Ah so no issues with Traktor receiving mulitple play signals from different devices then?
Lynetta Piacentino
Just set the in & out channel to the correct devices and you won't have any problems at all.

I'm using a Midi Fighter, APC40, Reloop DJII and AKAI LPD8 and LPK25 at the same time, no problems at all!

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