Effects Mappings

Effects Mappings
Posted on: 01.10.2010 by Sharyn Prado
Firstly thanks for such a good site, I'm really impressed with the way things have developed.

I just bought my first midi fighter and have been experiencing problems with the decklized focus AB tsi file. Basically the echo freeze effect doesnt seem to do anything at all. I have tried changing between 2 effects units and 4 and it doesnt seem to make much difference. Does anyone have any suggestions on what Im doing wrong.

Failing that could someone help me on re-mapping the effects

sorry to be such a newbie
Sharyn Prado
Firstly thanks for such a good site, I'm really impressed with the way things have developed.

I just bought my first midi fighter and have been experiencing problems with the decklized focus AB tsi file. Basically the echo freeze effect doesnt seem to do anything at all. I have tried changing between 2 effects units and 4 and it doesnt seem to make much difference. Does anyone have any suggestions on what Im doing wrong.

Failing that could someone help me on re-mapping the effects

sorry to be such a newbie
Sharyn Prado
OMG! Such a simple mistake to make, I imported the tsi using the bottom import tab, and at first it didnt work very well. Tried it a second time and Im rocking! So pleased it works, its truly amazing.

Thanks so much for your help...
Cari Tyndall
I noticed using the import button on the bottom of the preferences brings up a window with a few options but going through the controller mappings and importing from there does not.

Is that what you're looking for?

edit: what effects are being used for effects 2, 3, and 4? Because when it wasn't working correctly for me, the effects were a lot different than what they are now. If you could post a screenshot or just list them, that would be great.
Sharyn Prado
I had a bit of a fun time, basically had all the lights lit up and had to reset, but have flashed it with the latest hex file and it should work, but I still have a problem with the effects.

When I load the TSI through the preferences window I dont get any additional options no GUI or anything... could this be the reason my 3rd effect button doesnt do anything and the rest of them sound lame?
Cari Tyndall
1.2.4 as well for me, what part you getting stuck on for flashing it?
Sharyn Prado
Im running Traktor 1.2.4 could this be another source of the problem?

I tried re-flashing but it seems really complex for some reason... will have another try...
Cari Tyndall
I was in the same exact situation as you were. I received my midi fighter yesterday and was pretty excited. When I first plugged it in the effects seemed very off to me and the echo freeze wasn't working, it was defaulting to a flanger flux effect which didn't seem to do anything at the levels it was working at.

After reading a few threads on effects problems, I decided to flash the midifighter today just to make sure that wasn't the problem. As soon as I flashed it, I deleted and reloaded the tsi and all my effects were different. They sound amazing, the echo freeze works and everything else is working absolutely perfectly.

Hope this helps!

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