dead MF and gig on sat nite!!!!!

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dead MF and gig on sat nite!!!!!
Posted on: 15.10.2010 by Debbra Sciutto
help! plz!!!! so i have tried to flash my midi fighter but have been unable to get into boot mode i have done every method possible and nothing can anyone give me detailed steps on how to flash? and what would be easier doin so on my mac or pc?
Debbra Sciutto
help! plz!!!! so i have tried to flash my midi fighter but have been unable to get into boot mode i have done every method possible and nothing can anyone give me detailed steps on how to flash? and what would be easier doin so on my mac or pc?
Debbra Sciutto
thanks mtv i appreciate ur offer alot but unfortunantly i am in fayettville Arkansas i have been able to map out my nanopad some for the main functions i just wont be able to get to crazy or play my full set like ive been practicing
Petra Georgianna
If you are in Southern Cal you can borrow mine.
Adolf Hit
One of the tricky parts with this problem is that there is no visual indication that the midi fighter is in boot loader mode. This makes it difficult to determine wether it is an issue with the software or with actually getting it into boot loader mode.

I would def recommend trying it on a pc, the link to the software is in the same tutorial as the Mac instructions.....
Debbra Sciutto
yes ive tried jumpers to get into boot mode and no luck ive looked at every community and followed every procedure idk if im misunderstanding a step??? would u recomend tryn on pc? if i do go to pc were do i get the software
Petra Georgianna
Hey there,

hope you can get this squared away before gig. Did you try to use jumpers to get to boot mode?

http://www.djranking /showthread.php?t=17824

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