Midi fighter help!!

Midi fighter help!!
Posted on: 20.10.2010 by Marylee Burcaw
I was wondering what to do about my midi fighter all the lights are on when i plug it in. I just want to know how to use tractor with it and if its working or not.
Marylee Burcaw
I was wondering what to do about my midi fighter all the lights are on when i plug it in. I just want to know how to use tractor with it and if its working or not.
Adolf Hit
As above the lights won't change state until you have updated the firmware, does FLIP connect successfully?
Shirlee Depiazza
Okay, in the bottom of the manual thread dstep mentions he was using wire that was too thin check your's isn't to thin, paperclips and staples work well.

Further read the manual bootloader method carefully, the MidiFighter won't change it's led pattern when it's actually in bootloader mode but it is ready to be flashed which you need to follow the guide in How to flash your MF to do.

If it's still a no go head to the DJTT shops contact section and get in touch to organise a warranty return.
Marylee Burcaw
Both of the ways dont work!! the lights still all stay on
Shirlee Depiazza
Do you get the start up snake? you'll know what it is if you've seen it.
If not you'll have to head to the stickies!
Try the first part of this one (hold down the corners):
How to flash your MF

Thou I suspect that will fail so head to this one:
Bootloader mode manually

And follw it then head back to the first link and follow the Mac or PC guide (ProTip:- The PC way is 100x easier so do that if you can).

O and get the .hex file here:
SourceForge MidiFighter
Adolf Hit
sounds like it has no code on it, either try flashing it, or return it
Marylee Burcaw
Yea like the lights come on when I plug it in and they don't go off
Adolf Hit
Hi - are you saying that when you plug it in all the lights come on permanently, without responding to button presses?
Marylee Burcaw
well idk how to make it work at all i get confused tring to make it work. I want to know how to work it on traktor or at all.
Leeanna Ayla
Explain your troubles a little better and we'll see if we can get you going.
Marylee Burcaw
i still have some trouble..Its my first time with tracktor sorry.
Leeanna Ayla
You have to load a mapping in Traktor to use the Midifighter. Check the first two stickies in this section.

http://www.djranking s.com/community /community display.php?f=26

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