complete newbie - be kind
complete newbie - be kind Posted on: 29.10.2010 by Evonne Mustari Just ordered my first midi fighter to complement my imac, and quite green on what else I need, what software is recommended?Also is there anything I need? Thanks | |
Evonne Mustari 29.10.2010 | Just ordered my first midi fighter to complement my imac, and quite green on what else I need, what software is recommended? Also is there anything I need? Thanks |
Evonne Mustari 29.10.2010 | Thanks photojojo I will definitely take advantage of that offer! |
Leeanna Ayla 29.10.2010 | All of the Traktor software is half price right now and you can get some pretty good mappings right here to use the midi fighter with Traktor. I recommend Traktor Pro. unless your planning on running vinyl or CDJ's in the future. Audio 2 is a great soundcard for only $99. |
Evonne Mustari 29.10.2010 | Great thanks for the advise. |
Estefana Musfeldt 29.10.2010 | Depends what you want to do with it? Djing or poducing..... Either way you need some software, djing you want something cheap get virtual dj Or traktor if you feelin flush. Producing you probebly want ableton live or reason. You witll also need a sound card if you want a moniter. Hope this helps Practice and njoy. |
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