Midi Mapping- Is 3 modifiers on a single button possible?

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Midi Mapping- Is 3 modifiers on a single button possible?
Posted on: 22.10.2010 by Diedre Santus
Dear All,

Long time reader, first time poster.....

I am trying to combine my three favourite midi-fighter mappings into one by using a toggle modifier and am trying to find out if the following is possible:

Its going really well so far but ive hit a problem when a button already have 2 modifiers.

I have added 2 modifiers to a buttonto change the function of that button but I can not figure out how to create a fourth use for a button without accidently triggering one of the other functions for the other modifier.
As there are only 2 columns for modifiers does anyone have a solution to add a third modifier as I have noticed you need to enter M1= 0 and M2= 0 to stop the others from working.

So the idea is for a single button is

Standard press= X (example jump to hotcue)
Hold Mod 1 = Y (delete hotcue)
Toggle Mod 2 = Z (enter fx mode)

I am no looking to create a third Modifier to give a fourth function but can not cancel out the the other 3 functions. I noticed even on Ean Goldens complex mappings no buttons appear to have more than 3 uses, so im guessing its not easy- but if any any mapping experts could let me know if this is possible or not it would be appreciated.

Many Thanks

Diedre Santus
Dear All,

Long time reader, first time poster.....

I am trying to combine my three favourite midi-fighter mappings into one by using a toggle modifier and am trying to find out if the following is possible:

Its going really well so far but ive hit a problem when a button already have 2 modifiers.

I have added 2 modifiers to a buttonto change the function of that button but I can not figure out how to create a fourth use for a button without accidently triggering one of the other functions for the other modifier.
As there are only 2 columns for modifiers does anyone have a solution to add a third modifier as I have noticed you need to enter M1= 0 and M2= 0 to stop the others from working.

So the idea is for a single button is

Standard press= X (example jump to hotcue)
Hold Mod 1 = Y (delete hotcue)
Toggle Mod 2 = Z (enter fx mode)

I am no looking to create a third Modifier to give a fourth function but can not cancel out the the other 3 functions. I noticed even on Ean Goldens complex mappings no buttons appear to have more than 3 uses, so im guessing its not easy- but if any any mapping experts could let me know if this is possible or not it would be appreciated.

Many Thanks

Shirlee Depiazza
Traktor only support adding two Modifier a button Cond1 and Cond2.
What you can try is mod stacking... that is any modifier can equal 0 to 8 for a total of 9 different states.
Done carefully a button can do:
when m1=0 & m2=0 - Func1
when m1=1 & m2=0 - func2
when m1=1 & m2=1 - func3
when m1=0 & m2=1 - func4
And so on until you cover all of them.

To solve you question I'd....
Hotcue - m1=0 & m2=0
Delete Hotcue - m1=1 & m2=0
FX mode - m1=0 & m2=1
Crazy mode - m1=0 & m2=2

M1 hold set value to 1 - m1=0 & m2=0
To get it to default back to 0 on release I found a cool trick in the MF deckalised mapping.
M1 dec set to inverse - m1=1 & m2=0 (this means that on button release M1 goes back to 0)

M2 set value to 1 - m1=0 & m2=0
M2 set value to 0 - m1=0 & m2=1

M2 set value to 2 - m1=0 & m2=0
M2 set value to 0 - m1=0 & m2=2

Hope this helps if you hadn't already solved it.

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