Deckalized mapping + Seek Position function

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Deckalized mapping + Seek Position function
Posted on: 13.11.2010 by Yee Bedilion
Hey whats on the go DJTT

I got my midi fighters yesterday and while I was playing around with it I found that where I don't have many load markers set it was hard to cue up some tracks. I opened up the .tsi and had a look around to see if I could find any free buttons.

While there were no empty spaces per say, I made a little substitution:

When the shift function is active (M7=1) the tempo bend and pitch adjust buttons act as cue 1-4. I dont see the reason to have cue 1-4 mapped and then have 8 cue points in juggle mode too. So I mapped the "seek position" function to the 4 bottom triggers while M7=1.

I have Seek Position Coarse Inc/Dec at C2/D#2 and Min Inc/Dec on C#2/D2 respectively.

It appears that I can't upload the .tsi for some reason. Hopefully someone will help me out haha.

Yee Bedilion
Hey whats on the go DJTT

I got my midi fighters yesterday and while I was playing around with it I found that where I don't have many load markers set it was hard to cue up some tracks. I opened up the .tsi and had a look around to see if I could find any free buttons.

While there were no empty spaces per say, I made a little substitution:

When the shift function is active (M7=1) the tempo bend and pitch adjust buttons act as cue 1-4. I dont see the reason to have cue 1-4 mapped and then have 8 cue points in juggle mode too. So I mapped the "seek position" function to the 4 bottom triggers while M7=1.

I have Seek Position Coarse Inc/Dec at C2/D#2 and Min Inc/Dec on C#2/D2 respectively.

It appears that I can't upload the .tsi for some reason. Hopefully someone will help me out haha.

Yee Bedilion
So I managed to upload the tsi

Just a quick over view again (sorry I dont have pictures I can barely get a post up on these community s with text in them haha)

Only a minor mod to the deckalized mapping:

before when you press shift and used the pitch bend or tempo bend controls you would get cues 1-4. I have it set to do seek position. Outside buttons are coarse and the inner two are set at min.

So seek a couple bars before you wanna drop the cue and hit play and shift+ cue to drop the cue.

I thought it was a bit sluggish but it was actually me. I can use it with speed and accuracy and it works fine. Now onto getting the timing of the slicer down to record deck "slice-o-pizzas"

Heres the rapidshare link:

forgive me if this still doesnt work I'm trying to figure out how to use rapidshare.


Yee Bedilion
I have a test to study for so I can't be messing around with the fileshare til tomorrow evening .

I mapped my scs 3m for my mixing now because it seems better then running the channels out from audio 8 to dnx120 mixer. Its also alot less wires. I almost had all three without an external power to the usb but some of the midi notes were getting tangled up.

I dont know if I am going to venture into the 4 banks. I like to keep the controls as simple as possible. I was having trouble with the seek position to drop cues but this morning I had some practise and now its pretty smooth.

Now that I am believeing about it. Maybe 4 bank mode wouldnt be too bad. I have two midi fighters so maybe I could have all the transports of each deck on one midi fighter and all the fx and cue points on the other. haha I believe I'll master the deckalized mapping first.
Shirlee Depiazza
I've looked at 4 bank mode and decided I can do better... I've got 4 extra buttons so I'm going to add 2 crossfaders, 2 knobs and four buttons. The plan is the 4 buttons will become bank/deck focus buttons giving me a 4x4 setup than can be easily switched through decks.
Evangeline Abraha
Hi Fellas ,

Have you had a go at installing the new firmware option? That includes the 4 Banks mode which makes it possible to program 4 x 12 buttons + shift-actions if you feel like.

I am in a process of getting it done & it's pretty much 85% complete. This will include complete browser control on one page & FX/Loop juggle on the other. Pages 1 & 4 with Tactile Deck Control + 4 Cue points each.

This will propably make my other midi controllers obsolete..... ; )

Regarding the TSI file upload I agree with above, maybe try a file-share client like Mediafire or something ?
Shirlee Depiazza
Try putting it on hotfile/rapidshare/etc.

And I've implemented a similar idea in my MF Aux mapping (coming soon...) But used beatjump instead.

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