Two Midi Fighters & Ecler Evo 5 LED Problem

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Two Midi Fighters & Ecler Evo 5 LED Problem
Posted on: 06.11.2010 by Sharyn Prado

I have just mapped my ecler mixer to traktor pro 1.2.4. including some looping on the mixer to midi channel 3 which is the standard start channel for the mixer. I realised that on midi fighter deck b the led fedback has gone unresponsive for the LED's and sometimes one stays on. The funtionality of the looping still occurs which is good but its a bit annoying. I realised that the midi fighters were conflicting since they are also on three so as a precaution deleted the mixer mapping, but the problem still occurs despite re-installing the mf deckalized mapping.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to restore the LED lighting to its former glory...?
Sharyn Prado
Originally Posted by Fatlimey

  1. Switch the Mixer to a different channel and update the TSI to that channel. (Consult your device's User Manual for how to do this)
  2. Switch the Midifighter to a different Channel using the Menu Mode, first entry. Remember MIDI channels start counting at 1, but the machine starts counting at 0 so Channel 4 wil be (4-1) = 3 = 0011 in binary. Update your TSI settings to read from and write to the new channel.

Im now using 1.2.7 I have swapped the mixer channel to 4 and the midi fighters remain on three, but the LED feedback for loops and beat juggling are not happening the lights are random at best.

Any suggestions?
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by DennisHuiberts
What you need is this:
It's got everything you need to get Traktor Scratch Pro running with your setup. Unfortunately this package isn't 50% off...
That't the same price as a TSP full licence with audio 8 atm.
Sharyn Prado
Will changing the midi channel on one of my midi fighters and swapping out all the commands get rid of my LED issue?
Sharyn Prado
There are two output channels and they are always set to the corresponding in port of the appropriate midi fighter... the midi fighters are both set to channel 3... is this right?
Al Henger
make sure you have 2 separate output channels in the tsi for each midifighter. if not, then when you try to turn one led on, all it will do is turn theother off etc.
Sharyn Prado
Can anyone help?
Sharyn Prado

I just flashed the midi fighters back to the old hex file... no joy

but... then re-flashed them to the latest hex file again and they work!

It makes me wonder whether the introduction of the ecler confused traktor and knocked something out of the mix.

Im believeing that my tsi is causing the following conflicts;

1. Having deck focus on, results in the un-focussed midi fighter's looping and beat juggling LED's not functioning.

2. Changing loop sizes on the Ecler and activating them is confusing the LED's functionality also,

Anyone got any suggestions... maybe just work around the issues and re-design my tsi... or is there something simpler Im missing? Could it be something to do with the modifier's are modifiers from two different controllers inter-related?

Sharyn Prado
Hi the midi fighters are both on channel 3 as per the original deckalized tsi...

and the Ecler Evo 5 is now on channel 4
Tatum Ansaldo
are the midi fighters not on 2 different channels?
Sharyn Prado
Originally Posted by Fatlimey

  1. Switch the Mixer to a different channel and update the TSI to that channel. (Consult your device's User Manual for how to do this)
  2. Switch the Midifighter to a different Channel using the Menu Mode, first entry. Remember MIDI channels start counting at 1, but the machine starts counting at 0 so Channel 4 wil be (4-1) = 3 = 0011 in binary. Update your TSI settings to read from and write to the new channel.

Im now using 1.2.7 I have swapped the mixer channel to 4 and the midi fighters remain on three, but the LED feedback for loops and beat juggling are not happening the lights are random at best.

Any suggestions?
robert chanda

  1. Switch the Mixer to a different channel and update the TSI to that channel. (Consult your device's User Manual for how to do this)
  2. Switch the Midifighter to a different Channel using the Menu Mode, first entry. Remember MIDI channels start counting at 1, but the machine starts counting at 0 so Channel 4 wil be (4-1) = 3 = 0011 in binary. Update your TSI settings to read from and write to the new channel.
Sharyn Prado
Right so Im awaiting the back order for the TS Pro package, is everyone confident that once I load 1.2.6 all my LED feedback issues will dissappear?
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by DennisHuiberts
What you need is this:
It's got everything you need to get Traktor Scratch Pro running with your setup. Unfortunately this package isn't 50% off...
That't the same price as a TSP full licence with audio 8 atm.
Neal Rayome
What you need is this:
It's got everything you need to get Traktor Scratch Pro running with your setup. Unfortunately this package isn't 50% off...
Tatum Ansaldo
brilliant site, they're really helpful in the store as well if you're anywhere near north london.
Sharyn Prado
Thanks again for the suggestions, believe I might have to get onto

Fingers crossed that will sort the issue
Tatum Ansaldo
if you want I suppose.
Sharyn Prado
My mixer already has a firewire sound card and is TS pro affiliated so the audio 8 would be surplus...

ebay it?

When it comes to putting the licenced product on do I just uninstall the dodgy copy and can I retain my beatgridding?
Tatum Ansaldo
you can only get timecode support with a scratch licence, but now's the PERFECT time to buy one! You can get a TSP licence half price (no need to have a TP licence to start with) with the fantastic NI Audio 8 DJ soundcard, timecoded vinyls and CDs.
Sharyn Prado
Sorry I seem like a real Noob..

Basically my ideal scenario at the moment is:

Ecler Evo 5 - Load Tracks and Loop Jumping
Deck A+B Midi Fighters - Working LED's (Not at present)
Deck C+D Control Vinyl

Do I have to pay for Traktor Pro and then Traktor Scratch...or can the two deck control vinyl set up be done using TP?

I appreciate your help
Tatum Ansaldo

50% off...
Sharyn Prado
The problem I have is no copy of Traktor LE, my ecler is 2nd hand and didnt come with the cd so upgrading is out the window. Traktor scratch mixer without the benefit afforded to owning one. lol
Tatum Ansaldo
Nothing to lose with licences so cheap at the moment. You'll be much more likely to get friendly advice on here once you're legit
Sharyn Prado

Ive been waiting to see if the S4 software gets released as a stand alone...

but Im wondering if I should bite the bullet
Tatum Ansaldo
Can you not update it because it's not a licensed version...
Sharyn Prado

I cant update it at present, was hoping to be able to soon. Are you convinced that would sort it? and Would I have to swap the mixer channel so that it didnt run on the same as the midi fighters?
Tatum Ansaldo
To start with, update to TP 1.2.6.

It's the most stable and bug free version of traktor, so try that and maybe do a full reimport of your controller mappings.

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