having some problems

having some problems
Posted on: 17.01.2011 by Tarah Macoy
hey, having some trouble with my midi fighter, from the start the lights would be pretty random, some would stay on and then go off, but it all worked ok, then after 2 days it just stopped working, still had power as the lights went on if you pressed the buttons, but it didnt seem to sending any midi information. tried to do the re flash thing, to see if that sorted it but now it seems pretty dead. oh yeah what is a line breaker?
Tarah Macoy
hey, having some trouble with my midi fighter, from the start the lights would be pretty random, some would stay on and then go off, but it all worked ok, then after 2 days it just stopped working, still had power as the lights went on if you pressed the buttons, but it didnt seem to sending any midi information. tried to do the re flash thing, to see if that sorted it but now it seems pretty dead. oh yeah what is a line breaker?
Ella Rick
Have you not got a friend who can help you?
Have you downloaded the flip program?

If you can't sort it out just contact sales
On this site
Tarah Macoy
i am so close to smashing this little thing, this is just mad, i'v tried it 20 times or so with a mac, and it ses its done something but i'm not a programmer so i have no idea what, i then unplug and replug it and its still dead. i'm now trying it with a PC but cant even do the fist instruction, what the hell is the jungo section in flip? aparantly i'm to right click the atmel usb device in it??
so confused. oh yeah who do i need to sent this thing back to?
thanks B
Ella Rick

Try using solder instead of a paper clip, also use a PC instead of a Mac,
that's what I had to do, it's much easier.

Also get a friend to help....two heads are better than one!
Tarah Macoy
have tried to flash it with the new firmware, could not get into bootloader mode the 4 corners way this time though but tried it anyway with the paper clips, now when i plug in the mf all the lights are on, but it still isnt showing up as a midi device? believeing of trying to use a pc, does this make it easier? also was a bit confused about the mac code that im writing into the terminal window, am i suposed to put the name of the file or something into the code before i press enter?
Ella Rick

Sounds like you have got the same problem I had when I first got my Midi Fighter,
You're gonna have to Flash your Midi Fighter.

Check out the posts in Midi-fighter Resources and Discussion

Getting into Bootloader mode for firmware update post
How To Flash the Midifighter with New Firmware post

You will have to do this to get your Fighter to work.

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