switching from Mac to PC

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switching from Mac to PC
Posted on: 14.01.2011 by Carma Panhorst
im going on out of state for a while and not taking my macbook and i am visiting my dad, if he has traktor on his pc can i just hook up my midi there and voila it works? or do i need to set it up with firmware or anything...
im still new to this
thank you for the read and responses
Carma Panhorst
im going on out of state for a while and not taking my macbook and i am visiting my dad, if he has traktor on his pc can i just hook up my midi there and voila it works? or do i need to set it up with firmware or anything...
im still new to this
thank you for the read and responses
Carma Panhorst
although i still couldnt get the in and out ports t say midi fighter...im using it to the best and thanks for your help....mission fail, but i will still try and listen to music and wait till i get home
thanks again 8)
Carma Panhorst
alright, we'll see if that works haha
thanks a lot again photojojo
Leeanna Ayla
May need to upgrade Traktor; 1.2.7 is the latest version. Failing that there's some pretty good keyboard mappings out there.
Carma Panhorst
thats the thing, "midifighter" is not showing in the in and out ports...
he's using 1.2.4
but it is registering it as a midi and i can click "midifighter. . " but then it switches back while im playing

sorry if im confusing you
Leeanna Ayla
It will always default back to the keyboard when you open Traktor again. That's normal. As long as you select the MF in the in/out ports it should work. What version of Traktor is on the PC?
Carma Panhorst
ahh nothing is working...
i uploaded the mapping but as soon as i close it, the setting just change back to "generic keyboard" and it wont stop changing back...and im using my dads desktop computer and i hooked up my soundcard and my midi is the only thing not working...all the lights turn on like it should...
am i screwed for my break and midi less? 8(
Carma Panhorst
Thanks you guys!
Leeanna Ayla
Import your mapping and start mashing away.
Lorelei Przybylowicz
Firmware is on the MidiFighter so you don't need to update it again.

When I was using my MidiFighter on a PC it was plug and play but I did see some drivers on the community recently hut I believe that was for when it was in BootLoader mode so I believe ignore that if you've already flashed it.

I'd just export your global settings and also your MF mapping and email it to yourself. Then you can export his settings when you get there to save them and then upload yours and it will be like it's your machine. Or just upload the MidiFighter mappings as a MIDI device.

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