Help Analog port

Help Analog port
Posted on: 12.02.2011 by Edith Pingley
Hi, I just update the latest MF firmware on my MAC and now my MF analog port is sending CC message without connecting any fader or knobs. It send CC message even when I touch the analog port with my finger. Does anyone know why?

Edith Pingley
Hi, I just update the latest MF firmware on my MAC and now my MF analog port is sending CC message without connecting any fader or knobs. It send CC message even when I touch the analog port with my finger. Does anyone know why?

Lisa Lochotzki
Yup you got it!

Sure you can use a breadboard for this, but i don't see any advantage since the wiring is pretty simple. But yes you can!
Edith Pingley
Hi keewee, thanx for the help but just to be sure, let say I'm using 1 knob on 1 of the analog port: so what I have to do is connect all the unused analog port to GND and connect the knob to GND/A1/5V but can I use a breadboard to do this? I'm very new in DIY & configuring board and your help is very much appreciated..
Lisa Lochotzki
If you don't use it yet, just disable it in Midi Foghter's menu.

If you use it, but not all channel, connect the unused channel to gnd, with a jumper.
Edith Pingley
You mean connect the analog port to GND using something like jumper cable/wire? coz I do intend to use the analog port..
Lisa Lochotzki
this is a normal electronic behaviour, just disable the analog port in midi fighter menu. If you don't use ALL analog port, connect the remaining input to GND, same goes for Digital port.

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