Midi fighter cases ?

Midi fighter cases ?
Posted on: 21.02.2011 by Carola Wyllys
what are using as a case - hard soft custom?
got pic?
Carola Wyllys
what are using as a case - hard soft custom?
got pic?
Carola Wyllys
what i mean is similar to travel cases for transporting and for display use etc
similar to a case for 12oo's or your man workstation

for example the X1 now has a cool as little zipper case and it allows for use as a base so it is level with your Turn tables

I'm really looking for ideas to make something custom.
Estefana Musfeldt
I got the Case off the store it really is tight and solid, anything else would be bulky and custom made really. check out this thread http://www.djranking s.com/community /sho...w+midi+fighter

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