possible midi fighter mod

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possible midi fighter mod
Posted on: 03.03.2011 by Hyo Auricchio
what are the possibilities of adding a jog wheel to the midi-fighter? how hard would it be if i had a jog-wheel off of a VCI-100 to make it work with the midi-fighter?
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by Fatlimey
If Fatlimey says it would be hard then the proper response is probably very, very hard.
Hyo Auricchio
what are the possibilities of adding a jog wheel to the midi-fighter? how hard would it be if i had a jog-wheel off of a VCI-100 to make it work with the midi-fighter?
Franklin Momany
What about and incorporating an endless knob as the jogwheel? (Like a tempo knob). Seems a bit more practical.
Marva Cupid
This is gonna sound so stupid that your gonna shit your self out ur mouth . I was believeing of trying to use the brain from a pc mouse to use as a jog wheel. You can get replacement cdj 2000 jogs and use one of the digitals for the push sensor
robert chanda
It's possible. you hack out a rotary controller from the VCI-100 and wire up the two digital outputs to two digital inputs on the Midifighter, then you have to run a quadrature decoder fast enough so that you don't miss any rising or falling edges passing by.

The best way to do this is have an interrupt line wired to fire if either of the bits change (the exclusive-or) so that an ISR (interrupt service routine) gets the chance to sample and record the state change. These changes are summed so that when your main loop comes round to read the current rotary state it gets the sum of all events that occurred while it was away.

Remember to make sure your read-and-reset routine for getting the running total is atomic so that it can't be messed up by an interrupt firing halfway between reading and clearing the register.

After that you only have the physical mounting and use of the device to worry about.

Essentially there's so much tech in there that, if you really want to do this, you had better be the kind of person who loves learning new ideas!
Franklin Momany
All cosmetics aside. It wouldn't appear to be too difficult. But then again I have no clue what I'm talking about lol :P

Does the midi fighters board/brain accept the signals put out by the sensor used for jog wheels?
Stephan Denigris
isnt it just a big rotary encoder? is that an analog input? would that work?
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by Fatlimey
If Fatlimey says it would be hard then the proper response is probably very, very hard.
robert chanda

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