Numark ns7, ITCH, the bridge, ableton live + Midi fighter?

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Numark ns7, ITCH, the bridge, ableton live + Midi fighter?
Posted on: 13.03.2011 by Molly Brehl
So i have a numark ns7 and I know the bridge has not come out yet for itch.. so this question might be hard to answer. But I really want a midid fighter, if i get one and use it in ableton for a while, what are my chances that it will work as either a sampler or effects controller once the bridge come out for itch? I dont even have ableton yet so it would be a big investment. Would i be better off with a akai mpd26 or something? What functionality would i loose by using the midi fighter in ableton live instead of traktor? Thanks for all the Help!
Molly Brehl
So i have a numark ns7 and I know the bridge has not come out yet for itch.. so this question might be hard to answer. But I really want a midid fighter, if i get one and use it in ableton for a while, what are my chances that it will work as either a sampler or effects controller once the bridge come out for itch? I dont even have ableton yet so it would be a big investment. Would i be better off with a akai mpd26 or something? What functionality would i loose by using the midi fighter in ableton live instead of traktor? Thanks for all the Help!

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