Clear Matte...too bright?

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Clear Matte...too bright?
Posted on: 10.04.2011 by Floy Eitniear
I love how the clear matte MIDI Fighter looks but am a little concerned about it being TOO bright...almost blinding. Have others found this or am worrying over nothing?

Mobius Edge
Floy Eitniear
I love how the clear matte MIDI Fighter looks but am a little concerned about it being TOO bright...almost blinding. Have others found this or am worrying over nothing?

Mobius Edge
Treva Carinio
Well, I have to admit... I also have that clear matte top plate and I believe it's too bright too to be honest lol. It looks amazing, but mine is mounted on a stand that's slighly slanted and sometimes it's really blinding lol
Bradford Grafer
thirded, it does look sweet on stage. no such thing as an LED that's too bright.
Tatum Ansaldo
it's fine. looks awesome.
Floy Eitniear
Thanks for the reply!
Leonardo Papajohn
Nah its perfect, I have one. not to bad.

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