What are the little threaded metal tubes/where do I get some?

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What are the little threaded metal tubes/where do I get some?
Posted on: 29.04.2011 by Cammy Jiles
Maybe a silly question, but i'm planning to expand my midifighter with some pots and faders. I'm going to buy new acrylic top and bottom that are longer (like some of the custom ones on the store page) and want to use little threaded metal tubes like the ones that come with the midifighter, but for the life of me i have no idea where to get them or what they're even called! suggestions?

cheers in advance
Cammy Jiles
Maybe a silly question, but i'm planning to expand my midifighter with some pots and faders. I'm going to buy new acrylic top and bottom that are longer (like some of the custom ones on the store page) and want to use little threaded metal tubes like the ones that come with the midifighter, but for the life of me i have no idea where to get them or what they're even called! suggestions?

cheers in advance
robert chanda
They're called "threaded standoffs", more specifically round, stainless steel ones.


Midifidler, what are the lengths, external diameter, internal diameter and threading type?
Leeanna Ayla
check the local hardware store or maybe sparkfun.com

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